Page 39 of Galata and Nutmeg
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Kaan looks at me with an intensity that seeps into my skin, sending those pesky tingles straight to my lady bits. “You need to stop being so negative if you want this crazy plan of Brynn’s to work.”
“I happen to be a very good actor,thank you very much. I played a tree in the school play when I was six.”
Kaan suddenly jumps up from his chair and pulls me up off the sofa and into his arms. Electricity snaps between us, hot, volatile, and impossible to ignore. He is breathing hard as his bronze eyes spark with fiery hope as they lock onto my hazel, his lips so close that they almost brush mine. “I think we should kiss.”
Weak at the knees, I gasp in surprise. “No!”
He runs his thumb along my cheek. The callus on this thumb, no doubt from years of playing bass guitar, sends another tingle skittering through me. I close my eyes and let the sensation of his touch sink into my skin. “If we’re going to be in a relationship, and make it look real, we need to kiss.”
I try to pull from his grasp, but his grip is too firm, and maybe I don’t want to pull away; maybe I want him to kiss me. “I don’t think that will be necessary.”
“No need to make that face. I just don’t think you’re that great of an actor.”
“I can fake it.”
“No one has ever said that to me before.”
“I don’t want to disappoint you, Pretty Boy, but I can guarantee that there’s been at least a few ladies who have faked it.”
“Not with me, Nutmeg.”
“Even with the amazing, talented, schlong of Kaan!”
“I’ll give you a good rogering right now and prove it!”
A flush of colour creeps over my cheeks. It wasn’t what he said that unnerves me, it was the way he said it.Dirty. “I don’t think so.”
“Have you ever shagged your friend, Nate?”
He loosens his grip me as suddenly as he had grabbed me, and I topple back down on the sofa.
The change in Kaan’s demeanour gives me whiplash and I blow out an irritated breath. “None of your business.”
“Everything about you is my business.” A low, dangerous growl rumbles through his chest. “Tell me.”
Breathe, Meg. Just breathe.
“So what if I have!”
He leans forward, our faces now only inches apart, the scent of tequila teasing my nose as it wafts through the air between us. “I won’t lie to you, Nutmeg. Do me the courtesy of never lying to me.”
“Fine. No, I’ve never had sex with Nate.”
He sighs and looks almost… relieved. “Good.”
What the hell is going on here?
There is an almost palpable frisson of sexual tension in the air that grows stronger with every breath. The fist around my heart squeezes, as the overwhelming need to escape from Kaan’s closeness takes hold. I jump off the sofa like someone has set it on fire. “You cooked. I’ll clean.”
I place the leftover food in the refrigerator, then potter around tidying up my tiny kitchenette, mostly to have a little separation from the man across the room. The way Kaan held me, the way he looked into my eyes. Was he teasing me, or does he really want to kiss me? Is it jealousy or is he just trying to get a reaction?
I’m not entirely sure what his motives are, but I can’t deny that every part of me is aware of him and how my body yearns to relive the moment again and again.
I’ve seen a completely different side to his personality tonight. There’s more to him than the arrogant rock star I met at Brazen. He’s smart, thoughtful, and surprisingly funny. I’m enjoying the company of this man… and I shouldn’t, because like my mother said, he will drop me like a sack of potatoes once he gets what he wants.
I poke my head back around the corner to find Kaan examining a small painting that hangs in the corner of the room. It depicts a young girl running through long grass, her auburn hair, darker than my own, streaming out behind her, a wide smile on her face. I found it at an antique sale a few years ago and it’s one of my favourite pieces in my apartment. “Is this you?”