Page 41 of Galata and Nutmeg
I attempt to gulp back a breath and our eyes lock. No longer bronze, his eyes are nearly black, hunger burning in them.
Oh feck… is Kaan about to kiss me?
Do I want Kaan to kiss me?
Check yourself, Meg. This morning this man was bad-mouthing you to your boss. Shagging a rock-star is not how you want to finish your Sunday.
Hell, yes, I do!
Despite everything I know about the panty-ripping rock-star with a nasty case of arrogance, there is so much more to him. Having spent the last few weeks working together I know that his arrogance and the darkness that seeps from him really is all show; once you peel back the layers, Kaan is surprisingly funny, and sometimes even a little deep. But I can’t forget my moratorium on men, a penis embargo as Nate so vividly described it, and Kaan definitely has one of them. Plus, he’s famous and can have any woman he wants. And I’m hardly his type.
Pretty sure everyone is his type, Meg.
I can’t drag my eyes away from his, snuggling here in the semi-dark, with only the soft glow of the television for light. It feels like we’re the only two people in the world… Kaan and Meg… and it feels… right somehow.
You keep telling yourself that, Meg!
His gaze drops to my mouth as I find the courage to ask the question I’m dying to ask, “Do you want to kiss me?”
Kaan’s face moves back slightly, his eyes devouring every inch of my face with burning intensity in them. “Nutmeg, you have no idea what I want to do to you.”
Kaan’s arm is still around my shoulder, and the heat from his touch sears my skin. “Tell me,” I whisper, my breath catching in my throat.
There’s a drawn-out silence between us and he whispers darkly, his breath hot against my cheek. “I want to possess you.”
A gasp escapes from my lips at his words. “What?”
“From the first moment I laid eyes on you, when you came barrelling into me at Brazen, I’ve wanted you. You are destined to be mine.” His lips find my neck, nibbling lightly, unleashing a shockwave that shoots through me at lightning speed. “I want to strip you naked. I want to taste every part of you, to feast on your tight, wet pussy until you are a whimpering mess under my mouth, until you beg for me to fuck you. And I will fuck you… hard… until you beg for mercy… and then I will fuck you again.”
Never have I ever been spoken to like this. My entire body shivers at his words. My girl bits throb and soak my panties. I clench my thighs, partly in an effort to stop them for opening to him but also to restrain myself from moaning out loud. I want Kaan to possess me. To fuck me with wild abandon.
“Is that a threat?”
A low, dangerous growl rumbles through his chest. “That’s not a threat, Nutmeg. It’s a promise.”
Welcome To My Lady Parts
Well, it seems that Kaan has traded in one controversial relationship for another. According to my sources, he is now linked to none other than the notorious dating blogger and influencer, Meg Martin of @megmartinissingle.
For those of you who are not familiar with Miz. Martin’s work, let’s just say that she is not your average dating blogger. She has built a massive following by giving an unfiltered and often hilarious account of her experiences with men in London. From awkward first dates to steamy one-night stands, Miz. Martin’s stories are candid and often down-right dirty.
I have to admit, I have followed Meg’s blog for a while now, and some of her stories are truly cringe-worthy. Like the time she went on a date with a guy who wanted her to take a cold bath before sex. Necrophilia is never a turn on!
That right there is the reason I don’t date anymore!
I’m Pippa Ellis, and this is Fame and No-sense.
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Our lips are close, so close, and I lean forward and brush mine across his. Our breath mingles, a heady scent of Tequila and desire.
My mind recalls my teenage masturbatory fantasies about how Kaan’s lips might feel on mine.