Page 46 of Galata and Nutmeg
“You’re kind of a shit. No offence!”
“None taken.”
“I’ve got to go now and fix this mess you’ve created for yourself.” I sigh as I open the front door to leave. “Try not to do anything dumb while I’m gone.”
I start down the stairs but not before I hear him yell through the door, “You snore, by the way, like my Turkish grandfather!”
Doing The Post-Coitus Catwalk
After much speculation, it seems that the relationship between supermodel Blair Roberts and disgraced rockstar Kaan has officially come to an end. It seems they have decided to remain friends as they “work better” in that capacity. Well, that’s one way to put a positive spin on a breakup.
But while one relationship may be coming to an end, another is just beginning to blossom. Social media influencer, Meg Martin, has been spotted getting cozy with Kaan. The #megmartinissingle hashtag is currently trending on social media as fans speculate about where exactly this new romance is going.
But let’s not forget that social media can be a fickle mistress. One minute you’re the hottest thing on the internet, and the next you’re yesterday’s news. As Miz. Martin finds herself in the thick of this messy love triangle, someone’s got to be the villain—and it may as well be her! After all, she’s a social media strategist, so she should know how to handle the heat, right?
I’m Pippa Ellis, and this is Fame and No-sense.
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I know it’s a lame excuse that I must get to work, because technically I can work from anywhere. But going into the office on the pretence that I have to work is the only thing I can think of to get as far away from Kaan and his sexy sorcery as possible. If I stay in my flat, I know that I’d end up jumping his bones again for sure… which, let’s be honest, would be no hardship… no hardship at all.
As I step off the lift, I skulk toward my cubicle, very aware that I’m doing a quasi-walk of shame. I reach my desk without being spotted and slide down low in my chair with a sigh of relief.
Brynn is already here and comes waltzing over to my desk like she owns the place. Channelling her inner Anna Wintour, she is the picture of office chic wearing a puff-sleeved blouse with an outsize broderie anglaise prairie collar matched with cigarette pants that make her legs look like they go on for miles. With her tight curls pulled into a very large beehive and perfect makeup she looks like she just stepped out of the pages of Vogue. Meanwhile, I look like that canary that the cat had caught… and coughed up… all over the office floor.
She leans against my desk and smirks down at me. “You do not seem terribly well put together.”
Brynn arches her eyebrow, she looks me up and down, no doubt forming an opinion on the caked-on concealer that I used to cover up the evidence on my neck of last night’s dirty deed. “Any problems last night?”
“No problems.”
“That’s a shame.”
“I don’t think I need to remind you that he’s a client.”
“A deliciously sexy client.”
“Brynn! You’re my boss. I’m fairly certain you shouldn’t speak to me like that.”
“As your boss I would never say anything of the kind—” Her eyes widen and she leans across my desk until we’re practically nose to nose, “—but as your friend I’m telling you to bang him, or I will!”
Done and done, thanks boss-lady.
“Anyway, I don’t think I’m his type. He’s more of a supermodel, tits and ass, page three kind of girl.”
“You’re all of those things.” Brynn was silent for a moment, and then grins at me. “And for the record, I think you might find that Kaan just might be one of the good guys, despite the rumours to the contrary.”
“I can’t imagine that any of what you said is even slightly true.”
“He’s like porn, pizza and a hot fudge sundae on a weeknight. All bad for you but all so very, very good!”