Page 62 of Galata and Nutmeg
“Enough!” Brynn’s authoritative tone reverberates through the room, instantly silencing us both. “Right now I’ve got a problem with both of you so why don’t you shut the hell up so I can think!”
We glare at each other over the conference room table and wait for Brynn to continue.
“Sorry, Brynn.”
“Yeah, sorry.”
“I told myself I wasn’t going to lecture you, Kaan, but you know perfectly well that you have a drinking problem.” Brynn raises her hand to halt any interruption. “I’m saying this because I care. You’ve got a problem. You need to deal with it. I’m here to help you anyway I can, but if you won’t help yourself, frankly there’s nothing I can do for you.”
Kaan’s expression darkens as he glares at the table, his anger simmering beneath the surface.
“As of right now the photographer hasn’t pressed charges and we should all be thankful about that. I’m guessing he would rather sue you directly and make a tidy fortune. It’s going to cost you, but you can afford it.”
Kaan’s buries his head in his hands, his fingers gripping his hair tightly. His knuckles are raw, evidence of the brutal altercation with the photographer from last night. “Fuck.”
“Our other concern is, of course, Blair Roberts.”
Blair shamelessly took advantage of last night’s incident and wasted no time granting interviews to multiple morning shows and news agencies. As a result, whatever little remained of Kaan’s already dubious reputation has been completely destroyed.
Blair expertly spun a tale of returning home to find the man she loved in the arms of another woman. She masterfully narrated her shock, pain, and the trauma of being attacked by the man that she had trusted. Her portrayal as the victim was so well-crafted that it could be considered sheer genius.
“Pippa Ellis from Fame and No-sense will be here shortly to interview you.”
Kaan rubs his face in irritation. “Not Ellis. That pit bull would maul her own mother.”
“Have you slept with her?”
“Hell, no!”
“Then she’s perfect. Pippa is the biggest name in celebrity gossip today. And, let’s be honest, she always seems to have an insider’s edge. I’ve no clue where she gets her all her information from. Plus, everybody knows she loathes Blair. Trust me, Pippa is your best bet for a sympathetic interview.”
Kaan chuckles harshly. “Yeah, she’s always hated Blair.”
“Tell your side of the story, Kaan. Make her understand exactly what happened last night—the G-rated version, if you don’t mind. I don’t want to remind everyone of the photos of Meg skulking out of your place at two in the morning.” Brynn directs her gaze towards me, her face an impassive mask, revealing no trace of emotion. “And as for you, let's try to forget this ever happened, concentrate on the job at hand and use this as a learning experience. It's not healthy to dwell on negative things.”
Relief washes over me. I honestly thought I was going to be fired. And why not? This sham relationship has been a fiasco from the git go.
It’s not a sham relationship if the feelings are real.
You keep telling yourself that, Meg.
“I’ve still got my job?”
Whatever feelings I may have for Kaan need to be pushed aside. I need this job and allowing my emotions to take over is sending my career careening a little too close to the edge of a cliff.
“Personnel requires that I give you an official warning.” Brynn’s eyes flick towards Kaan, and then return back to lock with mine. “But for now, let’s just say that someone put in a good word for you.”
The realisation sinks in that Brazen did in fact want to fire me but Kaan had likely threatened to walk.
This charade, thisliewe've been living, must come to an end. Right now!
“Thank you.” I smile at my boss, grateful to still have my job before swivelling in my seat to look at Kaan. “And you too, Kaan.”
He scratches his chin casually and offers a nonchalant shrug. “I happen to like my social media strategist.”
“I also want to express my gratitude to you Brynn for the opportunity to work alongside Kaan, however, I believe I may not be the right person for this role anymore.”
The expression on Kaan’s face speaks volumes, though he remains silent.