Page 67 of Galata and Nutmeg
“We met a few years ago.”
“I catered at an event at the Turkish embassy in London.”
Kaan slaps Aydin on the back, a grin stretching across his face. “I was supposed to perform, but I’d had a few and acted like a complete tosser instead.”
“I read about that; not quite an international incident, but close enough.”
“Not everyone can be the cause an international incident, Nutmeg.” Kaan looks at me, a smug grin on his face. “On our next getaway we should visit Morocco… oh, wait…”
He’s never going to let me forget about Morocco.
“Hosgeldin,Meg.” Aydin wraps me in a hug and kisses me on both cheeks. “I’m very glad you’re here. I don’t think Ginger would go through with the wedding if she didn’t have at least one friend from London by her side.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
“Let’s get you both settled so you can relax for a bit. There’s a big night ahead for us.”
As we step through the wooden gate, I'm taken aback by the sight of a hidden paradise. The courtyard unfolds before me, a breath-taking Eden. The stone wall is adorned with vibrant bougainvillea, casting a golden hue. A trellis, draped in lush vine leaves, adds to the enchantment and pot after pot of flowers, a profusion of colours, hanging from every balcony and windowsill of the two-storey building. Nestled in the heart of the courtyard stands a majestic old tree, adorned with delicate fairy lights that softly twinkle in the gathering dusk.
Scattered throughout the courtyard, outdoor furnishings beckon tired explorers to take a seat and unwind after a day of city adventures. It embodies the very essence of what I imagine a hotel in Istanbul to be—a sanctuary of tranquillity. Without a doubt, it is the perfect setting for Aydin and Ginny's wedding.
“This is just stunning, Aydin.”
“It’s owned by my aunt, but she has been generous enough to let us take over the whole place for the next few days.”
We follow Ginger across the courtyard to a small alcove.
“Listen, I don’t want to make this awkward for either of you so I’m just going to come right out and ask: Meg, I was going to put you in a room upstairs, but it’s a single. Would I be wrong to guess that you’re not actuallybabysitting?”
“Off the record I am babysitting… but on the record?” Kaan tosses me another glare and I sigh as my heart pounds a drum solo in my chest. “A double would work just as well.”
“Then this room over here might be a little more suitable, but I should warn you it’s going to make quite an impression.”
“That’s disconcerting.”
Ginny smiles at Kaan. “I hope you’re comfortable staying here, but if not, I can suggest a magnificent hotel around the corner.”
“Nutmeg and I have no secrets, and she’s already seen me naked so there’s no surprises there.”
“You’ve seen him naked?” Ginny’s head whips back and forth between Kaan and I. “How did I not know this?”
“If you answered your phone when I rang, you’d know! Anyway, just Google him. You can see him naked as well.” I shrug, like it’s no big deal. “Kaan and his nakedness has no effect on me at all.”
Kaan's eyebrows vanish beneath his dishevelled curls. “I believe we both know that's not true. I've certainly had some impact on you.”
“Perhaps on my gag reflex,” I quip.
Kaan playfully clutches his chest. “Ouch, that's harsh.”
Ginny bursts into laughter at our banter. “You two are absolutely adorable.”
“I've been telling Nutmeg that we're a match made in heaven,” Kaan smiles graciously at my bestie, “but you know how difficult she can be.”
“Sheis standing right here, thank you.”
“Alright, alright. Moving on.” Ginny says with a mischievous grin. She reaches into her pocket and retrieves a bunch of keys, sifting through them until she finds the key she's looking for. She makes a production of handing it to me, her expression growing smugger by the second. “And this, my friend, is the best room in the inn. Not only that,” she adds, raising an eyebrow, “it features a bed large enough to accommodate a family of ten without any awkward closeness... if that's what you'd prefer.”
As I swing open the door, my jaw drops in awe.