Page 87 of Galata and Nutmeg
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph!” It seems like everything is conspiring against me, and I can’t catch a break. “Istanbul really does have it in for me!”
When An Entire City Is Conspiring Against You
The fallout from Blair’s recent interview continues with news of her being dropped by London-based talent agency, Las La Belleza, as well as PR agency, Brazen.
While we cannot speculate as to why she was dropped from Las La Belleza books, I will take a wild guess that Miz Roberts was dropped by Brazen as a sign of solidarity to their money-maker, and social media whiz-kid, Meg Martin. Miz Martin is currently holidaying in Istanbul with rock star, and ex-boyfriend of Miz Roberts, the one and only, Kaan.
I’m Pippa Ellis, and this is Fame and No-sense.
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Both Kaan and Roxe look horrified by my accusation laid at Istanbul’s feet, as if they couldn’t quite believe what I had just said.
“Shocking!” Roxe exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelieve. “It’s bad weather, not a vendetta against you by an entire city!”
I know deep down she’s right but it certainly seems like it does. “I know, I know. I’m being ridiculous. It’s just that everything seems to be going wrong on this trip.”
“As I said Nutmeg tends to be dramatic,” Kaan says with a chuckle.
“I’m always up for a little drama.”
“You’re going to love me then.”
“I already do.” Roxe claps her hands in glee. “And seeing that you’re stuck here, we can get to know each other. Kaan? You need to nick off for a bit so Meg and I can chat. Go and find Zeki and get him to update you on the work we’ve done.”
Kaan’s expression shifts from concern to wariness as he looks at his sister and then back at me. “You’ll be okay?”
“I think I’m safer in a room with your sister than I am with you.”
After Kaan makes himself scarce, Roxe grins at me, and I can’t help but smile back. Despite the chaos of the past few hours, I’m starting to feel like this trip won’t be such a disaster after all. “Tell me, why do you think Istanbul has it in for you?”
“I’m not superstitious, but it’s not looking great for Constantinople. First, our flights were delayed. Strike one. Then last night I ended up in the hospital. It turns out I’m allergic to raki. Strike two. And now? I was nearly eaten by sharks before being stranded here rather than being with my best friend who is getting married tomorrow!”
“You can’t call her Constantinople.” Roxe grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. “Her name is Istanbul!”
“You call Istanbul a ‘her’?”
“Of course. A beautiful, fearless woman that knows her worth. She might be a little temperamental at times but she’s glorious.” Roxe dissolves into laughter. “You’ve no doubt pissed her off somehow.”
“Apparently.” I can’t help but join in, the sound of her amusement infectious. “You seem to love Istanbul, though.”
Roxe wipes tears from her eyes, still giggling slightly. “Almost as much as Kaan does.”
“How long have you lived here?”
“I took a job teaching English at the local high school two years ago, and then I met Zeki.”
“He’s gorgeous.”
“Doesn’t speak a word of English.” With a mischievous glint in her eye, she gives me a conspiratorial wink. “I think that might be part of his charm.”
“It’s probably refreshing to not have a man blabbing on all the time.” I nod, still giggling. “Take Kaan, for instance. You can’t shut him up, especially when the conversation is about him.”