Page 93 of Galata and Nutmeg
In fact, even this little snippet of gossip lies on the cusp of Kaan and Miz. Martin and their blossoming relationship.
As you all know our lovebirds are visiting Istanbul to attend the wedding of celebrity chef Aydin Kaya and his fiancé, Ginger Knox. Well, if you thought things couldn’t get any juicer, you’re wrong!
In a shocking twist, Aydin Kaya’s ex-wife, the queen of wedding scandals herself, actress Simge Kaya, has gone and done it! She has officially taken the plunge and married none other than bit-coin billionaire, Russell Bancroft, in a dazzling ceremony in Los Angeles today.
It seems that Simge really wanted to get the last word in her relationship with her ex-husband! But hey, let’s give credit where credit is due—Simge always knows how to make a statement. And breaking engagements at weddings is so passe; she decided to level up and break hearts in the City of Angels instead!
Bravo, Simge, bravo!
I’m Pippa Ellis, and this is Fame and No-sense.
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After saying goodbye to Roxe, promising to chat again soon, Kaan and I board the ferry, hoping for a peaceful journey back to the city. The locals cast curious glances our way as soon as we step aboard. Is it because they recognise Kaan as the once-great, but now notorious, rockstar? Or is it because we radiate a newly in love aura?
Before long, I hear whispers of Kaan’s name, but he seems to pay no attention, gesturing for us to take a seat at the front of the boat. As we settle in, I feel his arm draped comfortably around my shoulder, and we watch as the city of Istanbul slowly comes into view.
I can’t help but think about how much Kaan gave me last night. His touch was intentional and considerate, every moment dedicated to us and our connection. His whispers were sweet and tender, filling my heart with love. And those kisses… oh those kisses… they were like nothing I had ever experienced before.
But it wasn’t just the physical intimacy that made the night so incredible. It was the way Kaan made me feel. Every moment was dedicated to our connection, and our love. I felt like the only person in the world who mattered to him, and that feeling is both exhilarating and humbling.
As the ferry approaches the dock, we quickly gather our belongings and try to make a discreet exit but was less than successful with people pulling out their mobile phones to photograph us. We step off the ferry, the flurry of activity dies down, and we’re able to walk towards the taxi stand without any more unwanted attention.
“I know I signed up for this,” I moan as we get into the taxi. “But it doesn’t make it any easier.”
Kaan places a comforting hand on my knee as he directs the driver back to the hotel. “I’m going to talk to Brynn about this when we get back. I want strict guidelines put in place. No more press. No more leaked items. I want our relationship kept private.”
“But you need the publicity to sell music.”
“Like you and Roxe both said last night, I’ll release my music, my way and let it speak for itself. I don’t need the publicity and I don’t need the money.” Kaan grins. “But in the meantime, maybe we should start wearing disguises, like big sunglasses and fake moustaches.”
I laugh, the imagine of us as undercover lovers in silly disguises makes me feel a little better. “I don’t think that’ll help. Besides, you’d still be recognisable with that glorious mane of hair.”
Kaan runs a hand through his wild, curly hair and I can’t help but smile. These are all troubles for tomorrow. Right now, it’s time for Ginny and Aydin’s wedding, and I’m already going to be in trouble for being stranded inBüyükada.
As soon as we step through the gate Olive grabs me by the arm, “Where the bloody hell have you been? Ginny is having a complete meltdown. She was sure you weren’t going to get back and we’d be down a second bridesmaid.”
And Kaan seems to think I have a flair for drama!
Olive glares at Kaan and pokes him in the chest. “You… you… bloody rockstar, you! Ginny warned you not to go toBüyükada. She warned you!”
“Where is Ginny?” I say calming, trying to diffuse the situation.
“She’s upstairs, trying to get ready.”
Kaan and I exchange a knowing look, and he nods his head in the direction of the bar where Aydin and his friends are having a pre-wedding drink. “I’m going to get changed and then have a drink with the lads. You go and calm down the bride.”
Olive drags me upstairs and I can hear Ginny’s panicked voice coming from behind the door. “What if the flowers don’t arrive on time? What if there’s a problem with the food? What if Meg doesn’t get back?”
There was a momentary pause in Ginny’s stream of stress until—this. “That damn bitch did it again!”
We enter the room to find Ginny surrounded by people, all of them looking frazzled and tense. But as soon as Ginny sees me, her face lights up with relief. “Oh, thank feck you made it!”
“I’m so sorry, sweetie.”
“Did you see?”
“See what?”