Page 98 of Galata and Nutmeg
To some, she was a troubled model struggling with substance abuse; to others, she was an angel who had graced more magazine covers than Lauren Hutton; but to friends and family, Blair Roberts was a shining star that had been snatched away from them too soon.
While the world mourns her sudden death, very few of her friends were truly surprised. In the end, the story of how Blair Roberts died was tragically foreshadowed by the way she lived.
Miz Roberts childhood was not an easy one, but it didn’t stop her from becoming one of the most famous models in the world. Despite this success, she began to feel anxious in front of the camera. The need to stay beautiful, to stay thin, to stay in the public’s eye, became overwhelming. She used alcohol and drugs as a means of decompressing these fears. It was around this time that she met Kaan.
Though Miz Roberts instantly fell for Kaan, many of us were uneasy about the new relationship. She had already developed a reputation as a “party girl” and with Kaan beside her, they were an unstoppable party machine. Their relationship was a tumultuous one, culminating in their recent breakup and her arrest.
Fingers have been pointed in every direction, trying to find a scapegoat for Miz Roberts death. Most of those fingers have pointed to Kaan. Today, he released a statement in which he said the following heartfelt words:
“Our hearts are broken that we weren’t there for you when you needed us the most. We will live with this regret forever.”
A post mortem examination carried out on Monday failed to establish the cause of the model’s death. Further toxicology tests will take two to four weeks.
I’m Pippa Ellis, and this is Fame and No-sense.
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As I landed at Heathrow last night, my first instinct is to call Kaan however his mobile phone has been disconnected. I immediately hail an Uber and head straight to his place. My heart sinks as I see the street swarming with press. Frustrated I direct my Uber driver back to my place only to find another swarm of press staking my building out. Fortunately, the driver takes pity on me and helps bulldoze me and my luggage inside the safety of my building’s security door.
I keep a close eye on the time, counting down the hours until I had to be at the office. Two hours passed, then one. I must have dozed off because when I wake, the sun is already shining, and I realise with a jolt that I’m running late. Yep, I’m going to be late for my own termination, but all of that was forgotten as I race across the foyer at Brazen towards the closing elevator doors, “Hold the elevator!”
The door opens and… “Kaan!”
My heart pounds as I stand, face-to-face with Kaan. He’s the one person that I want to see, and yet, seeing him now fills me with nothing but pain.
He looks terrible. His eyes are bloodshot and weary, and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. I pretend not to notice and avoid looking at his rumpled clothes. As the elevator starts to ascend, we both stare at the closed doors in in silence. Impulsively slam my fist on the stop button on the control plan—something I’ve always wanted to do. The elevator comes to a cushioned halt, and if Kaan is surprised by my action, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he leans against the wall with a deep sigh. “What do you want from me?”
“You said you would be there.”
These are the first words I have said to him since he disappeared from Istanbul. Two days seriously feels like a lifetime right now.
“I waited for you at Galata Tower but you didn’t turn up. You sent Ginny to do your dirty work instead,” I say stupidly, shaking my head to ward off the tears.
“I had to leave.”
“You left me in Istanbul.”
“Blair called me. You’ve got to understand…. I knew something terrible was going to happen. I had to try and get to her.”
“You should have told me. I would have come with you.”
“Why?” His eyes meet mine and his pain is plain to see. “Because I was your lover? Or because I was your client?”
Wasis right on both fronts.
“You told me that I wasitfor you.” I poke him in the chest with my index finger. “You made me promises.”
“I didn’t promise anything.”
“You said that you would never lie to me, and I stupidly trusted you.”
“When did I lie?”
“You wrote that song for me. Our song.” I cringe at how raw and vulnerable I sound. “You told me you would never hurt me. You lied!”
“For fuck’s sake!”