Page 10 of Legally Yours
“Well if you care about her so much, then maybe she should be your fiance! I’m done, David. It’s over,” I say, adding a sense of finality to my thoughts. With crossed arms, I stare at him, waiting to see what he’ll do. His face doesn’t display the sadness I was hoping it would. It stays neutral as if he’s trying to call my bluff. It’s a long moment of silence before he reacts.
Not to my surprise, he half-laughs, before shrugging and rubbing Emma’s arm. “Fine by me. I won’t have a dramatic has-been to take care of anymore,” he says, and those wordsreallysting.
Heknowshow sensitive I am about my work, and I was willing to just give it up for him. Forhim? I could laugh at how stupid I was, but I’m not so sure it wouldn’t turn into tears at one point or another.
“Fine! You two can go on with your relationship. My traitor ex-boyfriend and my ex-best friend! But neither of you can stop me from going back to work!” I threaten, disgust deep in my tone. Emma rolls her eyes, and David almost perfectly matches her.
I grab my robe, tightening it around my frame as if it will stop me from falling apart.
“And guess what, David! As soon as I realized what a disgusting cheater you are, I met a new man. One that issooomuch better than you ever were! I traded up. Have fun with your sloppy seconds, Emma!” I smirk, feeling unbelievably full of myself.
All of my emotions are high, and I know as soon as I say it just how ridiculous it sounds, even if itistrue. I have no present evidence, aside from the ring Liam gave me at the ceremony. And that could look fake.
Emma scoffs and steps forward. She’s finally off David’s shoulder, and her sniffling and victim-acting has stopped. “Oh, honey, you don’t have to make up a new fake boyfriend. That’s so pathetic.”
David nods along with her, adding a soft, “So sad,” of his own as I become acutely aware of the fact that Leslie is still here, watching this all go down.
I look over at her, and she doesn’t make eye contact with me. She stares at her drink, looking incredibly out of place. This is starting to go to shit really fast and if I don’t do something, I’m going to lose everything.
She probably thinks I’m lying, too. If only he was here.
Just as I finish the thought, as if he has heard me from the main stage area, I hear someone walk in and clear their throat.
“Actually, I’m her husband. And I’m very real, I promise.”
My eyes flick to the door, where he stands like a knight in shining armor. His eyes are directed straight at David, and the mesmerizing green looks like a frozen jade in his anger.
I wouldnotwant to be on the receiving end of that fury.
The sounds of muffled fighting inside that room make my bloodboil.I had wanted to follow Cassandra back into the room after her shoot and tell her what a good job she did, but the two assholesbeat me in there.
I decided to stay back, unsure if they were the ones she told me about earlier. I heard her throw around the one man’s name and, of course, it turns out to be them. Now listening to them berate my wife is making me furious.
She is trying so hard to keep her cool and make an argument. I can hear it in her voice. But it is two against one, and they seem to have planned it all out to make her seem crazy.
I can’t just leave her in there defenseless.
The whole point of us being married is to get back at our exes, and she has the perfect opportunity cast in front of her. If I’m going to hold up my part of the bargain, I have to go in there and help her out.
Before I really have time to think about what I want to say, I walk forward, pushing the door open. I see the back of Cassandra’s head, and the other two glaring atmelike I have no right being in there.
Well, they’re about to find out just how much of a right I have to be here.
“Actually, I’m her husband. And I’m very real, I promise.”
I watch as Cass turns her head to me, and the warmth in her face pools in her cheeks. I cast her a soft smirk and stride forward to back her up. Just as I get there, the small redhead beside her spends far too long staring at me. I look down at her with a raised brow.
“Oh my God!” she gasps, covering her mouth before dropping it to grab my wife’s arm. “You’re Liam Anderson!TheAnderson!”
I can only chuckle. Out of all the people in this room to recognize me, it’s someone not even involved in this crazy situation.
I hear the mousey man, who I’m assuming is David, scoff, and cross his arms.
“There’s no way she’s married toyou.” He stares between us, his beady eyes flickering back and forth.