Page 12 of Legally Yours
He smirks at me, and it makes my heart flip. Why does he have to be sohandsome?I nod, starting to realize that this really is going to be my life for the next six months.
“Plus, I want you to meet my family, and I want to meet yours. You can still work as a model, but you need to be my wife for these six months, at least publicly.” He prattles on, and I have to start really listening to hear what he’s saying. Slowly, I feel my face sour.
Does he really want to make all these changes? How much is this going to entail?I don’t like the idea of my life changing so drastically. But I made a deal, and I have to see it through.
I still can’t believe he’s actually the CEO of my modeling agency. What a bizarre twist. The idea that he could be in the same place as me and needing a wife right as I need a husband… it’s insane.
“We can stay in LA tonight. I know a really nice hotel by the airport. Plus, I imagine you’re probably sick of flying for one day. I know I am. But tomorrow morning, we’ll need to get on the first flight back to New York. I can’t afford to miss much more work.” It’s honestly like he’s talking to himself, just carrying the conversation on without me.
“Okay, lead the way,” I say, and we start to walk again. He pulls out his phone and tells me he wants to call his secretary.
Does he really go through him for everything? He booked our flight like that, too, and car transportation. Now he’s having his assistant arrange our hotel. It’s going to be quite an adjustment from having to do everything myself.
By the time he gets off the phone several calls later, he looks considerably more stressed out.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, and he sighs quietly. He sounds exasperated.
“We need to go back to New York tonight. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, though. I promise,” he says and finishes with an award-winning smile. I shrug lightly, flashing my own grin back to him.
“That’s fine by me, I’m used to flying all the time.” His shoulders drop as if the tension has left them.How considerate for him to be worried about how I feel.
“Although,” I add, a teasing smirk rising to the surface. “you may want to call back your secretary and let him know that you’re not going to need the hotel.” I giggle, and he groans loudly, very over-dramatically.
With an exasperated pull from his pocket, he fishes his phone out as our car pulls up to the curb. He holds my door open for me, and I slide into the back. Getting in, he’s already on the call. By the look on his face and the tone in his voice, I can imagine he probably feels bad about having to cancel everything.
The driver takes off after I give him directions to the airport.
Driving around like this for six months is going to be fun.
We touch down in New York, having been discussing where I should stay once we disembark. I don’t mind, but I have to go home first and pack my things. To be honest, all I have is the sexy nightgown that I had planned to wear on my wedding night.
“I’m fine staying with you, Liam. I just need to go home and pick up a few things.”
Liam gives me a mischievous smile. “You know it’s still your wedding night, right?”
I didn’t expect that. I look back at him and can’t say anything. Finally something comes to my mind. “Itwasmy wedding night that never happened. Liam, please. I don’t have many clothes with me.”
He gets a little more serious. “Why don’t we shop for some clothes here, at the gift shop?”
I agree to his suggestion. When we finally get to the gift shop and look at the clothes, we can’t believe just how tacky they are. I nearly fall over when I see the prices. They’re too expensive!
Liam gets a look at the price tag, but he doesn’t care. “We’ll find something here for you before we go home. How about this?” he says, holding up some polyester monstrosity of a dress.
I look at him and raise an eyebrow “There’s no way I would be seen in public with that on.”
He blows out a breath. “Phew, thank god for that, I thought I’d chosen the wrong fake wife for a minute then.”
“You’re funny,” I say dryly, tossing a tacky sweater at him, and we both laugh. “I’m known for my taste, I’ll have you know.”
He smiles, setting aside our little joke. “I won’t argue with that,” he says genuinely. “I’ll take you out tomorrow and buy some real clothes for you. I promise.”
“Sure,” I reply. “Thanks.”
I become aware that someone is staring at us. It creeps me out but since I’m with my husband, I decide to ignore it.