Page 14 of Legally Yours
“Mom, I was very fortunate to meet her when I needed someone in my corner, because she didn’t have to help me out at all.” It’s all, technically, the truth. A very varnished truth, but still.
“But Eunice’s mother and I always dreamed of the day that the two of you would marry. You’re friends. Isn’t that a good basis for a loving relationship?”
“It is, Mom. When both partners are equally committed to each other, truly loving them. That didn’t happen with Eunice. She met someone and began cheating on me. Mom, I hate to give you bad news. But it is over. Nothing is going to happen that results in Eunice and I getting back together.”
“But Liam! You’ve known her all your life! How long have you known this, thismodel?” She makes it sound like Cassandra isn’t a model.
“Mom, Cassandra works for my agency. She’s loyal and very hard working.” Truth be told, I’m pretty upset at mom’s implication, but I try hard not to let that come through in my voice.
I breathe deeply, reaching for control. “Like I said, Mom, Cassandra didn’t have to be there to help me out. She could have just gone home at the end of the day. Instead, she was helping me to see that I am not the person lacking because I was cheated on. She didn’t have to do that.”
“Well, true. But you and Eunice are perfect together! And you would have had such lovely children.”
I release a long breath through my nose. “I don’t want to be crude here. But would I have been the father of those children? Or not?”
That silences mom. I hear her raspy breathing through the phone.
“Mom, you’re letting this upset you too much. You and Mrs. Solace came up with an idea that, quite frankly, Eunice wasn't happy with, either. It’s pretty obvious if she went outside our relationship to meet someone else.” I grimace, hoping Mom won’t get angry again.
“Liam, are you serious? Did she really cheat?”
“Yes, Mom. She did. She wanted someone else, too.” In retrospect, it’s becoming obvious how silly this was from the beginning. Eunice and I were both being pushed to each other, and that’s not a good recipe for any kind of commitment.
“I wish you would give her a chance, Mom. Cassandra’s a good woman. She’s sending a good chunk of her modeling earnings to her parents so they can build a new convenience store.”
“Oh!” Slowly, Mom starts to accept what I’m saying. She’s still reluctant to realize that Eunice is gone and won’t be back. “Well, if that’s how things are. I’d like to meet her.”
“Certainly, mom. We’ll get together in a few days, when we’re not quite as busy.”Wow. I got through that one.
Just as I hang up, I hear Cassandra shout from her bedroom. I drop the phone on my bed and run. “Cassandra! What’s wrong?”
I get to her room. I have to grab the door jamb to stop my body’s momentum. “Cassandra? What’s wrong?” ‘
Cassandra looks at me from the bed, alarm in her eyes.
Islept pretty hard last night. When I wake up, I don’t remember where I am, so I holler out. The room is totally unfamiliar, and I don’t see anything that I recognize from my room at home.
Liam bursts into the room, and I am absolutely mortified. After I shouted, I remembered that,of course, I am in his penthouse. I’m moving in.
I cover my flaming-hot face with both hands. My voice comes out muffled when I answer. “Sorry! I thought I was in my own bed. I didn’t remember that I live here now.” I feel ridiculous, like a little kid, as I literally peek at him through my fingers.
Liam is a kind, gracious host. “It’s okay. Let’s go and have our breakfast.”
In the kitchen, he shows me where everything is in the cabinets, and we make something simple to eat. He learns that I work hard to keep my interior self, as well as my exterior self, clean and healthy. That is, I try to eat foods that benefit my health but still taste good. This means that I turn down the fatty bacon he offers.
Instead, I suggest toasted bagels with cream cheese, butter or even a little bit of jam. Coffee? Definitely. As long as we drink it in moderation and leave out all of the fatty, sugary stuff that people put in it, we are good.
“So, when did you start eating clean?” Liam’s expression is one of curiosity. “You’re really beautiful, whether you have makeup on or not. You eat more than some models do. You don’t exist on lettuce and water. And, yes, I have seen some models restricting their food intake to that extent.” Liam’s voice is solemn.
I think for a few minutes, taking a bite of my bagel. After swallowing, I respond.”I started probably a few years ago. The father of a friend collapsed and died of a massive heart attack. He looked healthy, but inside his body, the fat deposits were just collecting. That scared me.”
“Whoa, that sounds terrible, I’m sorry to hear that,” he says, taking in every word.
“I got my mom and dad, then my siblings, on a clean diet. I’ve seen models who restrict their food intake. That’s unhealthy. I believe in good, careful choices, not starving.”