Page 55 of Legally Yours
“Hey, enjoy!” I give him a fist bump and watch as he and his dad go back to the elevator. Knocking gently on the door, I step in and look at her, the love of my life.
“Come in!” My wife’s voice sounds happy and nervous at the same time.
I step the rest of the way in and grin at Cassandra. “Hi, beautiful.” I stride to her bed, eager to hold her in my arms and put my hand over our baby inside her. “How are you feeling?” My throat grows thick with tears and emotion. I clear my throat.
Her voice is shaky as she responds. “Better, but I still hurt if I use my abdominal muscles too much. My leg? That’s just a low type of ache. My doctor said it will go away.” She sniffles and wipes away her tears.
I loosen my hold on her and get a good look at her. “Your bruises are fading, and you’re awake. Take the pain meds the doctor prescribes. And rest.” I think of how I could have lost her, and my stomach flips. I swallow hard.
Cassandra sniffles again. As she cries, her voice goes high. “I’m sorry! I was just so scared that you would do what David did. I trusted him and let go of my own self to make him happy.” She sniffles again, wiping tears from her face.
“Cass, I’m not David. He’s a cheating, lying scum. He took advantage of your willingness to trust, and he destroyed it. Now, I know I’m going to have to work to gain and keep your trust. I’m going to do everything I can to help you rebuild your sense of trust, not only in me, but others. Okay?”
Cassandra nods. “Thank you. I’m working to trust you, but I might find it hard sometimes.”
I nod at her. “I understand. Just let me know when this happens, and we’ll work on it together. Marriage is hard enough. Without trust, it’s even harder. Is there anything else I need to know?”
“I hope you know how much I love you. I didn’t show you very well when I ran away. I-I couldn’t explain it to you at home in New York. I was afraid. I mean, I knew then how much you cared for me. But….”
I pull Cassandra back into my arms and just rock her gently. “I am so sorry for what that lying scumball did to you. He didn’t deserve even a strand of hair from your head. Nothing. Good riddance to him and may Emma enjoy your sloppy seconds.”
Cassandra tries to laugh but can’t because of her surgery scar on her tummy. “Oh! Ouch, that hurts.”
Andres and Brayton come into her room. Brayton is really cute as he tries to avoid hurting his sister when he hugs her. Andres puts him on Cassandra’s bed so he can give her a good hug.
Brayton turns to me. “Did you tell my sister how much you love her?”
“Brayton!” Cassandra says, shocked.
“Hey, it’s easy for me to see. He’s totally in love with you. And I’m a kid!”
We all laugh, even Cassandra. We enjoy our visit together.
Andres taps Brayton on the shoulder. “We’d better go, son. Your sister needs to talk things out with Liam, and she needs to rest.”
“Aww, dad!”
“Now, Brayton. Hug your sister, and we’ll come back tomorrow.”
“Awww! I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’ll be here waiting for you.” Cassandra smiles at him.
We resume our talk. I tell her that I never wanted Eunice. That my mother and Eunice’s mother had the dream that we would marry. That’s why she kept pushing even after we married.
“But I don’t care what she wants or wanted, anyway. It’s my life to live, and I want you. Period.”
Cassandra leans back into my arms. “I understand now. So, you were never attracted to her?”
“Not at all. You are beautiful, and I find you to be the most attractive woman in the world. And I plan on getting old and gray with you.”
I sit next to her on her bed and raise my feet so we are both in bed. Lying down on the pillows, I pull her back into my arms. We lie there, just enjoying being together. I stay with her, just talking and sometimes crying. I make sure she eats her dinner. And, when she gets sleepy, I give her a goodnight kiss and leave.
Cassandra spends one more week in the hospital, just recovering and regaining her strength. We learn that she’ll be using a wheelchair until her cast comes off in about ten or twelve weeks. We ask if it can be removed by her doctor in New York.
“That can be done. You’ll also have physical therapy to strengthen the muscles in your leg. Do you have an OB-GYN up there:”
Cassandra nods. “I do.”