Page 1 of Rise
Chapter one
“Alright, I’m listening. What is it that you want us to do?” I ask Mona, sipping on the whiskey; of course, she’s got the good stuff.
“Someone has stolen some valuable information from us,” Mona starts.
I hold up my hand, “Come on, Mona, you know I need proper details; if I’m going to get to the bottom of it, what have they stolen?”
She sighs and takes a deep swig of her drink before she answers me, “You’re right. They’ve taken everything, including the files on all the members, and they’re using them to control me. All of our business details the legitimate businesses and illegal ones. They have everything, and it could end us. They want an exorbitant fee in order to not turn it over to the cops or use it against us. They already have me putting some of my people on questionable jobs that I wouldn’t usually do. Things they aren’t qualified for and things that are putting them at a high risk that I’m not happy with.”
“Well, fuck. That’s quite a fucking predicament,” I reply.
“How did they get the information?” Ace asks.
Mona tenses, “That’s the thing, we don’t know. They could have either hacked our system, or someone gave them information.”
“Do you want us to figure that out too?” I ask her.
Her eyebrows raise slightly, “You can do that?”
“The Raven's speciality may be in acquiring,” I smirk, “but mine isn’t.”
She studies us all more closely, “Then yes, if it’s the system, then I can get better security for it, but if someone gave them the information, then that’s a whole other fucking problem.”
I glance back at Ace and motion him forward, “Alright, we’ll need access to your system. I can promise that we will only be looking for a breach in the system but feel free to have someone watch us.”
“I’ll need access to your local network as well to make sure that there are no bugs in it,” Ace starts to explain and then adds, “Is the information only on one computer?”
“Yes, my personal one,” Mona replies.
“I’m going to need access to that too,” he replies.
“That’s fine. You guys can come over whenever. I need this sorted.” Mona agrees, “When can you start?”
“I have to sort some things out with the Ravens since I only just took over, so it will be the end of next week,” I reply.
“That would be great,” Mona replies. Standing up, she reaches across the table to shake my hand. “Send me the invoice.”
“We will,” I reply simply.
Mona is someone that I respect, but this is business, and we don’t need to blur the lines of that, especially not now I am head of the Ravens. It’s important not only to them but also to the Ravens that I am respected, especially if I am ever going to be respected as their leader.
Standing up, I shake her hand and then turn to leave, making sure that all of my guys and the new team are okay and leave first. Of course, Rome isn’t too keen on me being the last one to leave and waits until I step through the doors before he follows.
We all stay silent as we leave, aware that we’re still being listened to. As we approach the cars, Ace holds up his hand to stop us from advancing.
“I know you trust Mona, but I am still going to check the cars for any explosives or trackers,” he tells me firmly, not giving me any room for arguments, not that I would anyway because it’s a damn good idea.
“I’ll check ours,” Lorcan agrees, heading over to the SUV that they arrived in.
While they check it over, I say, “I’ll call Sawyer when we’re driving and see how Eve is. Do you guys want to meet back at mine? We need to discuss how we’re going to handle this job, and if you guys are up for it, I’d like you involved?”
The Conspiracy shares a look, and then Asher nods, with a smile, “Yeah, we’re in. I can let you know back at yours where our particular skills lie.”
“Awesome,” I reply, leaning back on Rip, who wraps his arm around me.
“Ours is all good,” Ace announces as he hops up off the floor, his blue hair in complete disarray with sticks and gravel decorating it. He turns to look at Lorcan, “Are you all good, dude, or do you need some help disarming something?”
“Why do you sound so excited by that prospect?” Harley asks, her eyebrow raised but a smile playing around the edges of her lips.