Page 15 of Rise
It’s only because I’m looking at Rip that I notice the black van barrelling toward the chain link fence and looking like it’s not going to stop.
“Carter, get back on the plane,” I order. He might not even have enough time, he met us halfway across the tarmac, and the van is already bursting through the fence.
Everyone turns around just as the van screeches to a halt and the backdoor slides open several people pouring out. What briefly perplexes me is that they are armed; however they aren’t shooting, almost like they don’t want to kill us, which is rare. I mean that’s usually everyone’s go-to. A shot that I didn’t expect takes one of the approaching figures out and I turn in surprise to find Carter holding the gun and taking aim at one of the others again. This seems to trigger everyone else because the tarmac suddenly becomes a mixture of hand-to-hand combat and gunfire.
I’m going to have to deal with the shock of Carter taking someone out later because right now, I have a fist coming toward my face, and I’m just a tiny bit excited to work off some of the extra tension and energy that I have, thanks to the worry for Waves and Micha.
I duck at the last second and then swing my closed fist, striking the woman trying to attack me in the stomach, I put quite a lot of power behind it, and it’s no surprise when she starts spluttering, of course as she bends forward I take the opportunity to knee her in the nose, grinning viciously as I do.
She recovers reasonably quickly and then backs up; sneering at me, she hisses, “We don’t even want you. We need them.”
“Care to elaborate?” I ask, eyebrow raised and bouncing on my toes so I’m ready to move just in case someone else takes a swing for me.
Sounds of grunts and yells of pain surround us, but I’m not worried about my men or even any of the conspiracy team. I know that they can handle whatever these fuckers can throw at them. Especially since it appears that they don’t want to kill any of us.
Disappointingly predictably, she declines to answer and decides to charge me again instead. I'm thoroughly bored by this point, and I pull my hand back and strike her in the face using her own momentum against her, and to help drop her, she goes down hard.
Someone else immediately approaches me, and it is really starting to fucking annoy me that we have no idea what they want. I can guess that if they don’t want me, then it’s got something to do with the guys unless it’s something to do with the Conspiracy team, which is entirely possible since we don’t actually know that much about them. Either way, we don’t have time for this.
The second guy puts up a bit more of a fight and clearly isn’t as worried about killing me as the woman was, but he does go down. Once he hits the floor, I glance around, looking for anyone else who wants to attack me, and my eyes fall on Harley. She is kicking fucking ass and grinning like a psycho. I knew I liked her. She’s skilled as well and is taking her opponents down quickly and efficiently. I cannot believe that Treyton was stupid enough to have people with so much skill on the fucking sidelines just because of his own prejudices.
Fucking idiot.
It’s only a couple of minutes before everyone is dealt with, and we’re all surrounded by unconscious or dead attackers.
“Well, this is a fucker,” I mutter as I look around at them all. “I don’t suppose anyone found out what they wanted, did they?”
Fox shakes his head, his bright orange hair flying around his face as he replies,
sounding slightly confused, “Nope, although they didn’t appear to want to kill us.”
Everyone is quick to agree with him, and I look at Rome, “It’s not someone you recognise again is it? The woman said to me that she wasn’t here for me but them. Which could mean that it’s something to do with you guys again or something to do with you,” I ask, looking at Asher and his team.
They all share a look, and Lorcan replies, “I am reasonably certain that it doesn’t have anything to do with us. I certainly didn’t recognise them.”
Harley smirks as she replies, “I didn’t either, and to be honest, anyone who is after me would be trying to kill me.”
I can’t help but grin at Harley, and I reach my hand out as she gives me a fist bump I say, “Same, dude.”
Ace snorts, “Did you two just seriously bond over the fact that people want to kill you both?”
Harley and I share a look and then shrug, making the guys chuckle. However, something occurs to me, and I become serious as my attention turns back to Harley.
“Do you need me to take care of something?” I ask seriously.
Chapter Six
The conspiracy team's attention suddenly becomes riveted on Harley as they watch her closely, waiting for her to answer my question. I get the feeling that the issue that Harley alluded to might be something that they’ve tried to help her with in the past and that she has never accepted their help.
She ignores them as she stares at me, contemplating my words and seeming to give them serious consideration.
She inclines her head slightly as she answers me, “You know, I think it might be time that something is done about it, but it’s complicated. Could you let me think about it for a while before I agree and fill you in?”
I nod and assure her, “Of course, take your time. Whenever you are ready, I understand how complicated these things can be.”
Her smile is soft as she replies, “Thank you.”