Page 19 of Rise
I grimace, “I’d rather not, but I also won’t leave Waverly or Micha in danger, so we’ll call that plan a last resort.”
Sawyer nods, “Got it, boss.”
I chuckle, “I’m not sure I like that. It seems weird.”
“Erm Jynx, I think you need to get off the plane pretty damn quickly. Waverly looks like she’s seconds away from breaking the door down and storming up here. She looks equal parts angry as hell and worried,” Ace warns me, interrupting my conversation, and I immediately get up.
Mal makes me pause as I head down the aisle, “I’m just going to grab an email address from Carter so that we can email him the NDA and fill him in when we get the chance.”
I go up onto my tip toes and kiss him, lingering longer than I probably should, considering we’re stopping everyone else from getting off the plane, but I can’t help myself. I never can when it comes to any of them, I would linger for even longer if I thought I could get away with it. I’m even more tempted when I finally do pull back and find all of my men staring at me heatedly, and I have to admit that when I turn and head further down the aisle and toward the door, I do put more sway into my hips, and I can’t help the wide smile that crosses my face when I hear more than one groan sound out behind me, they make me feel powerful and beautiful.
“Jynx!” Waverly yells as soon as I step foot on the tarmac, and I know that I have seconds to catch her before I end up on my ass.
“Ompff,” I exhale sharply as I drop my bags just in time to wrap my arms around Waverly. She takes a single shuddering breath, and I squeeze her tighter as I listen to the others getting off the plane. “We’ll sort this Waves, and we’ll make the fucker pay.”
She steps back, and I’m unsurprised to see any sign of her worry and sadness wiped from her face entirely and a sharp smile in its place. This is why we have managed to stay friends for so long; we’re similar enough that we understand each other but different enough that we don’t clash.
Turning around to face the others, I quickly make introductions.
Once I’m done, Harley steps forward, “We’re going to be keeping an eye on Micha, I assume that you’re going to be with Jynx for much of the time, wanting to get revenge on the fucker that did this. At least I know that’s what I’d be like,” when Waverly’s smile gets wider, and she nods, Harley’s smile widens as well, “I had a feeling I would be right, so here is my number, and if you want any update on Micha whatsoever let me know. Asher is a fully qualified doctor, so he can give you the medical lowdown as well.”
Waverly being who she is immediately steps forward and wraps a slightly shocked-looking Harley in a tight hug, thanking her as she does.
“Right, now that’s dealt with. Waverly has got you this van that you can use to get around. Listen, if things get dangerous, you call in backup immediately and we’ll be there as quickly as we can.” Rome tells the others.
“Great, we will let you know when we’re all set up, and then the updates will be when we have them like you asked,” Asher replies, and it becomes even more apparent that he is the leader of the Conspiracy team.
After that, we all say our goodbyes and we head toward the other van that Waves brought, clearly not wanting us to travel separately. She can get a little bit paranoid when someone she loves gets hurt, and that means that anyone that she considers family or friends gets slightly smothered. There’s absolutely no point in arguing with her because it will make absolutely no difference. It’s just something that she needs to do in order to keep herself sane.
“Right. Where are we going first, then?” Rip immediately asks Waverly as soon as we’ve set off.
“I want to check out where it happened and see if anything was left behind or if there were any security cameras that could give us a clue as to who did this to him,” she starts and then winces, “of course, I mean after we’ve dropped your stuff back at the house.”
“Don’t be silly, Waves. We want to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible too. We should go straight there,” Ace chastises her gently.
She smiles, “See, this is why I like you guys.”
“High praise from Waverly,” I tease.
“Shut up,” she grins and then becomes serious again as she adds, “It’s about twenty minutes away from here. He was attacked in an alley between the boy's favourite bakery and the club next door.”
“The boys?” Mason asks curiously.
“Yeah, his little brothers,” Waverly explains.
“Right, got it.” Mase replies and then adds, “It would be safe to assume that whoever did this was either watching him for a while and knew his habits, or he had some information from someone close to Micha to say where he was going to be and at what time.”
“You make a good point. You know him best, Waverly; which do you think it is more likely to be?” Mal asks her.
She thinks about her answer for a second, “Micha is well trained and extremely aware of his surroundings so for someone to have been watching him for that long without him knowing is fairly hard to believe. On the other hand, he only has a handful of close friends that know his routine and the thought of one of them betraying him is almost ludicrous. They’re more like brothers than friends.”
Everyone in this vehicle understands that sentiment since they have a similar bond.
“We understand that, but if it becomes even more unlikely that he was followed, then we’re going to need to talk to them,” Rip tells her as kindly yet firmly as he can.
She nods, “I know. You won’t get a fight from me; however, if one of them is involved, I want to deal with it.”
I answer before anyone else can, “Of course.”