Page 23 of Rise
I hear the door to the bedroom open, but I’m still too far in my orgasm high to really be bothered by it. The only thing I do is turn my head, which is resting on Ace’s chest, as his fingers lazily smooth through my hair. Rip has fallen slightly to the side and has a leg and one of his arms thrown over Ace and me.
“Well, now I know why you three are late getting up,” Rome grins, looking amused as he looks at the three of us, naked and clearly having just had sex.
This is the first time that one of the others has been truly faced with this situation of me having sex with one of them unless there’s been more than one of them with me, and I’m slightly unsure about how this is going to play out. I needn’t have worried.
Rip lifts his head, moving closer to us both and resting his chin on my back as he strokes my naked ass; his voice is teasing as he asks, “Jealous Rome?”
Rome pulls a no-shit face and says, “Of course I fucking am.” Looking at me, his features soften as he strides over to the bed and bends over so he can kiss me, his lips gently caressing mine, “you look even more beautiful like this, Koroleva.”
I smile, and then, feeling cheeky, and because I’m always hot for them, I add, “If you give me five minutes to get my energy back, we can go for round two?”
His eyes heat as Ace’s hand tightens in my hair, and Rip’s hand smacks my ass, making me chuckle.
“As much as I want to take you up on that offer, we really do need to get going; it’s already lunchtime, and we need to be heading back home tonight,” Rome replies, and I can hear honest regret in his tone.
“Oh shit, really? Wave’s must be going wild,” I reply, starting to feel really bad. I thought it was still early in the morning.
Rome shakes his head, “Don’t worry, she’s only just gotten up herself.”
My whole body relaxes again as I stop panicking.
“You’ve still got to get up, Blue,” Ace mutters, amusement saturating his voice.
Sighing, I reply, “I know.”
After a quick shower and something to eat, we quickly go over the plan again, and then after I’ve helped Waverly feed the dogs, we all head back out to the van and make our way to Beverly’s.
“How do we know that he’s going to be here now? I mean, it’s the afternoon?” Mason asks.
“Micha got him fired, remember, so he stays at home while Bev goes to work,” Waverly explains.
“Well, at least we don’t have to worry about her interfering. What about neighbors getting curious about why we’re taking a most likely unconscious Chris out of the house?” Ace asks.
“The house is an old farmhouse on the edge of town. There aren’t any neighbors.” Waves adds, glancing down at her phone.
“Any news?” I ask her.
“Yeah, Asher said he’s much the same as he was yesterday and just to give him time.” She replies.
“He’ll wake up soon,” I reassure her, and add jokingly, “You know Micha, he’s probably waiting until all the complicated stuff is dealt with before he wakes up.”
She lets out a short laugh, “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Thankfully it doesn’t take very long at all to pull up to the house. However, because it is in the middle of nowhere, unless he’s passed out, which is entirely possible, he will have heard us arrive.
“Alright, as we talked about Malachi, Ace, and Mason, you go in and grab him. I doubt you’ll need backup, but if you do, yell,” Rome orders as we pull up to a stop.
“Rough him up a bit for me,” Waverly practically growls.
“You got it, Waves,” Mason replies, his smile dark.
All of them draw their weapons, checking them over before they slide open the backdoor of the van and climb out. I have to admit that I’m not used to not being on the front lines in this kind of situation, and I don’t like it. I would much rather be there with them and know immediately if anything has gone wrong than to be sitting out here twiddling my damn thumbs.
“I don’t like it either,” Rome mutters quietly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and kissing the top of my head.
I don’t know how he does it, but that simple touch is enough to calm my agitation slightly. Waverly looks back at us from the front seat and smiles, we had a talk while we were doing the dogs this morning, and she’s so happy for me and the guys and that I’ve finally got people in my life who not only know everything about me but also are as deadly as I am. I know that I am incredibly lucky that I found them, despite our rocky start.