Page 48 of Rise
I chuckle as I reply, “Yeah, I’m definitely up for that. It sounds like fun, and knowing my grandmother as I have come to over the last few months, I think it's pretty safe to assume that she has something on the grounds that will be really interesting to us.”
Ace’s eyes widen, “Oh, what if it’s another building filled with the plants for her poisons? That would be really cool.”
As we enjoy our food, and I’m aware that Ace is silently hurrying us so that we can get exploring, I can’t help but watch Jynx as she interacts with everyone. Mason and I weren’t exaggerating when we told Jynx how we felt about her celebrating us as individuals. It still shocks me when she does things that she knows only one of us likes, she treats us as individuals, and although the guys do as well, we have never had a girlfriend do that, and they quite often confused us for whoever they were actually dating, we gave up dating in the end it wasn’t worth it. Not only that, but the only family member who could tell us apart was our sister; otherwise, we were known as the twins or by each other’s names, and they never tried to get it right.
They simply didn’t care.
But Jynx does, and that’s why I love her, or I should say one of the many reasons why I love her, but then again she’s not hard to love at all. She fits with each of us and never leaves any one of us feeling like we aren’t special or like she wants to see one of the others more. I know our situation is unique, but it seems to be working for us, and that’s all I can really ask and hope for..
“Are you sure that’s all you guys want to do for your day?” she asks, pulling me out of my thoughts and making me smile.
“Definitely, the house is full of hidden treasures, the grounds have to be, and there are so much of the grounds to explore that it should keep us entertained for a while,” I reply with a smile.
“So long as we’re all together and doing something other than working, then I’m happy,” Rip replies, and his words clearly make Jynx melt because she sighs with a happy smile.
“You smooth fucker,” Rome accuses, making Rip smirk proudly.
“You’re just jealous because I thought of it first.” Rip replies.
The sound of Jynx’s laughter echoes around us, making my smile widen and sending butterflies through my stomach; before Jynx, I had no idea that guys could get butterflies. I just thought it was something that girls get, and if I’m honest, I wasn’t even sure that it was a real thing. Jynx coming into my life has proven me wrong and that they do exist.
“While we’re eating, I might call Sawyer and make sure that everything is running smoothly. I need an update on how the jobs are going as well,” Jynx says, stuffing the last bite of her burger in her mouth and already dialing.
I think it’s incredible how dedicated she has become to the Ravens especially considering the way that she got to know them and the fact that they were responsible for her mother dying and for causing a whole load of stress for her. I think she was always made to be a leader. It just so happens that because of her upbringing, she became the leader of a criminal organization.
We only get to hear one side of the conversation between Jynx and Sawyer, but from what I can make out, everything appears to be okay with the Ravens, and everything is running smoothly, which is good because I think it's essential for us that we know that we can leave the Ravens in the hands of Sawyer and the Conspiracy team and they will be able to handle it. I know that she wants to work for D still, and we also need to be able to take time off for ourselves as well, like we’re doing now. Our whole lives can’t be centered around work, especially since our work isn’t exactly easygoing and calm.
We need to have time to rest and relax after our jobs, something that I know Jynx agrees with when she says to Sawyer, “Good, I’m glad his job went well. I will get Ace to transfer over his payment for the job and remind him that now it’s done, he can take between three days and two weeks off and to let you know how long he needs. Remind him that it's mandatory. I will not have any of my members getting themselves hurt because they’re overworked.”
“She’s magnificent when she gets like this, isn’t she?” Rome mutters quietly next to me.
Before I can reply, Ace does, “She’s always magnificent, but especially when she’s taking control and not letting anyone give her any shit.”
“I’m quite fond of when she’s being bloody and violent.” Rip chimes in, his eyes flashing with their own manic violence.
“The way that she handles a sniper rifle gets me every fucking time, so confident and relaxed like she was born to hold one,” Mason adds, and I know his own love of weapons influences his words.
“Oh, I agree with you, brother. The fact that she knows weapons as well as, if not better than us, is a definite turn-on,” I smirk as I sip my beer.
When she hangs up, she looks up at us only to find us all still staring at her like starved animals, and she raises her eyebrow and asks, “What?”
“We’re just admiring our sexy as fuck girlfriend,” Ace replies, making her blush, and then he adds, “Has everyone finished? I want to go and explore!”
“Ten more minutes,” Rome chuckles.
Chapter Seventeen
Ace was so excited about getting out to explore that we ended up rushing through lunch, and Rip has even brought one of the burgers with him because he was getting evil eyes from Ace for having thirds.
As we set off across the yard and toward the woods, I ask, “So, which direction are we heading in first?”
Ace frowns, “Well, we’ve already walked the path to the targets, and we know there isn’t anything really of interest there, so why don’t we head in further down, and then we can just walk in a straight line and see what we find? I mean, we might not find anything today, but it’s going to be fun to look, and we can always come back again.”
“Okay. What if we get lost?” Mason asks, not sounding nervous, but then his fear comes from being alone in the woods at night, we aren’t going to be out that long, and we definitely aren’t going to be splitting up; there’s no need to.