Page 5 of Rise
“That’s usually left to the individual or team to figure out,” Sawyer replies.
“That needs to change as well. We will put feelers out within the organization to see if anyone has the skills and wants to be a part of that team.” I suggest making notes in the back of the book Sawyer gave me.
“Sorry to interrupt, but it's fairly clear from the accounts that I can back pay members up to a year before it starts to cause trouble for the rest of the Raven's finances,” Mayhem explains.
I nod, “Great, do you have the accounts and all that shit?”
“Yeah, Sawyer gave me it all,” Mayhem replies.
“Do you have everyone’s numbers?” I ask Sawyer.
Nodding and looking confused, he replies, “Yeah, I do. It’s how we announce meetings and all of that.”
“Great, send out a message to everyone letting them know what’s going on and it’s a flat rate. In the future, the payments will have different rates depending on jobs.”
“Got it. I’ll do it now.” He replies.
“Oh, Asher was going to let me know what the Conspiracy’s skills are so that I can put them in the right places for the job with Mona and for future jobs. I have a feeling that they will become the number two team, especially since you are officially on their team as well.”
Dax and Sawyer share a look before Dax asks, “What exactly is that going to entail? I mean, technically, I’m a driver for the Ravens.”
Ace scoffs, “We all know that your talents are wasted in that role, dude.”
“It means that when we’re on a job ourselves or have other commitments, you guys will be pretty much left in charge. At least, that’s where I would like it to get to eventually, we need to build a bit more trust and shit first, but all of you have started to prove yourselves, and I have no doubt that’s where this is going to end up.” I try to explain as best I can.
Sawyer nods, his face serious as he contemplates my words, “Well, I can’t speak for the others, but I know that they’re always up for a challenge. I also know that you can trust them, and I appreciate that you’ll need to be shown that you can.”
Dax grins, “I’m in.”
“What are their skills then? I remember them mentioning that it was more than just acquiring?” Rome asks curiously.
“They do best at acquiring. In fact, they are the best team within the Ravens, and Harley is particularly good at it,” Sawyer grins proudly.
“They’re also good at the assassination side of things and infiltration too. Fox and Nash could sell ice to someone who lives at the north pole. They are incredibly good at playing their parts convincingly. Obviously, you are aware that Ridge is an actual genius, especially when it comes to numbers, they all have their own little skills, but those are the main ones.” Dax takes over and starts to explain.
“Well, we can definitely work with all of that, and if I remember correctly, you are especially good at acquiring?” Mason asks.
Dax nods, “I’m good at getting into places that I shouldn’t be.”
“Great, well, we’re going to need that for the job with Mona depending on who has the information and how we’re going to handle it,” I reply.
I have to say that I am pretty impressed with how skilled they are. I wasn’t being overly ambitious when I mentioned that I’d like them to be the team in control when we do other jobs because I refuse to give up working for D, and I refuse to have my whole life revolve around the Ravens. I will lead them, and I will make sure that we succeed, but I won’t let it become my entire life. Not only that, but I’m not exactly good at being tied down to one place or thing; it puts me on edge. I like to explore.
I also have things about my own family history that I want to get to the bottom of, and I imagine that I’m going to need people to take up the reins of the Ravens if I get a lead that takes me elsewhere.
“There’s one tradition that I think you are going to want to get rid of immediately, and it's coming up soon, so I wanted you to know about it now.” Sawyer interrupts my musings.
“That sounds ominous,” Malachi points out, his eyebrow raising.
“Yeah, you’re not going to like this one,” Dax mutters with a wince.
“Well, spit it out?” Rip grumbles, clearly losing patients with this whole thing now.
“There has been a ball held every year for decades. The purpose of the ball is to marry off those women over eighteen, regardless of whether they wish to be married or not.”
Silence meets Sawyer's announcement, and my anger quickly rises.
“What the fuck?” Ace hisses.