Page 66 of Rise
“I’m the same.” I reply, “But not for any particular reason. They just fascinate me; I love seeing the incredible things they created and the pride that they took in the things they built. I think that’s missing these days.”
“I agree,” Ace replies, bringing coffee over to the table.
“Okay, what’s the plan now that we’re here?” I ask.
“I think we should go to Rome’s place; the woman was pretty sure that we should head over for whatever reason. Why didn’t you ask her?” Mal asks Rome, something that I was wondering about as well.
Rome tilt’s his head slightly as he replies, “Because she was already panicking, she was starting to clam up and most likely wouldn’t have told us anyway. Not only that, but my parents aren’t there, which means there is nothing that could possibly be at the house that would present a threat to us or that we can’t deal with.”
“Fair enough,” Mal replies, “so we’ll go there tomorrow then?”
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.” Rome shrugs. “We need to figure out who is killing them off and whether that same person has been sending the people after us or, if it’s possible, the twin's parents, who are still alive as far as we know, are the ones sending them after us.”
“I wouldn’t put it past them to send people after us. They most likely think that if all the other heads of the families get taken out, and they manage to have us taken out, then they can take control of the whole town,” Mason suggests.
“Is there a chance that they’re behind the killings? Despite what the woman said about everyone being equally shocked. If they were aware that the staff from the houses spoke, then surely they’d know to fake it well enough not to raise suspicion,” I ask.
The guys fall silent as they contemplate my words, and then Mal replies, “It’s certainly possible, and I would be agreeing with you completely if it weren’t for the fact that it would be our parents who would’ve had to organise it all, they’re good at what they do, but I don’t think they have it in them to pull something like this off.”
“I agree,” Mason adds in response to his twin's thoughts.
“Okay, so not arranged by them then.” I reply, “But even so, we still need to work out who is doing it and what threat they pose to us.”
“Yes. We could really do with being able to see what’s going on at the houses.” Rip muses.
“None of us can go back there though. It’s not safe.” Rome adds.
“We can figure that out later. For now, we need to get some sleep and then head to Rome’s as soon as possible tomorrow morning,” Rip suggests.
“Yeah, I think we should all stay together though, I don’t want us in separate rooms, not here, not when we don’t know what’s really going on,” Rome replies.
“We can all stay in my old room. It’s big enough,” Ace suggests and then adds, “Well we can stay where my room was. I’m sure it’s been turned into a guest room by now, but either way it’s big enough.”
“Shit,” Rip suddenly curses as he stands up and we all look at him curiously, “I need to turn the car off I completely forgot that it was fucking running.”
“We’ll come too,” Rome says standing up as well and we all do the same, “we need to stay together and we all need to get our bags anyway.”
Just as we’re heading out of the kitchen, Ace makes us wait, “Hang on, I just want to get some snacks and shit for us to eat, it’s a long way back down here, and unlike Jynx I don’t have a kitchen up there.”
“Good idea,” Mal agrees, walking over to help him grab some food.
They end up finding a couple of bags and putting a lot of food and a few sodas and bottles of water in them to take upstairs. We then head back through the winding hallways to the front door; just before we get there, the woman from before steps into our path.
“What’s your name?” I can't help but ask her before she can say anything at all.
Once again, she looks taken aback, but she replies, “Rebecca, miss.”
“Thank you,” I reply, deciding not to push the whole miss thing right now.
Rebecca smiles and then says, “All of the staff would like to take advantage of the offered time off if that is still okay. I can make sure that they rotate so that you still have someone here to attend to you, should you need them.”
Ace shakes his head, “That won’t be necessary. We’re quite capable of looking after ourselves. If you leave your number somewhere that I can easily find, I will give you all a call when I need you to start coming back. I imagine that it will be a couple of weeks at least before that happens.”
Her eyes widen, but she nods in agreement and then scurries off again.
“You know, I actually think it’s a really good idea to have all of the staff gone while we’re dealing with this, things could escalate because of our arrival, and we don’t want any of them getting caught in the crosshairs.” Rip points out.
“Yeah, you’re right. I was planning on sending the staff at my place on vacation too,” Rome replies as we head to the car and grab the bags.