Page 9 of Rise
“Do you know I think I might recognise her,” Mason says quietly as Rip approaches the door to open it. “I’m reasonably certain that she was in the Raven house when you did your swearing-in.”
I nod that I heard him because Rip is already pulling open the door, and I don’t want to discuss anything in front of her.
“How did you get in here?” Rome snaps as soon as the door is open.
The woman’s expression remains stoic as she replies plainly, “I am very good at getting into places that I shouldn’t be.”
“That’s great, and I really love that for you,” I reply sarcastically, purely because I do not like people I don’t know anywhere near my home, and her attitude is pissing me the fuck off, “what do you want?”
None of us lower our weapons as she folds her arms over her chest like she’s the one that owns the place.
“You need to stop this ridiculous notion that you should take over the Ravens. You and I both know that women aren’t supposed to lead,” she starts to rant.
My eyebrows hit my hairline. What the fuck is she spewing out of her delusional mouth. The others look as equally shocked as I do for a fleeting moment as their grips tighten on their weapons. We all know that the kind of shit that she’s spewing points to crazy, and crazy is unpredictable.
“The Ravens don’t need you to lead them. You will destroy the reputation that Trey worked so hard to get for us,” she continues.
“I’m going to interrupt you right there. The Raven’s reputation is ruined because of what Treyton did to them. No one will employ you or work with you because of him. I am going to fix that. Also, Treyton never worked hard a day in his fucking life. He was lazy and too reliant on others which is why he died,” I’m blunt while I explain the real Treyton, and I’m not unaware that the longer I speak, the angrier she gets.
It's evident that she has a personal connection with Treyton, not only from the way that she talks about him like he can do no wrong but also because she calls him Trey. I haven’t come across a single other person that has done that.
“You are not strong enough to lead, and you are not worthy to even say his name,” she exclaims, spittle flying from her mouth as she quickly reaches behind her and pulls out a gun aiming it at my heart.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I say calmly. It’s hardly the first time I’ve had a gun pointed at my heart.
The guys are tense and ready to act at a second's notice as they all watch her closely.
She laughs, sounding almost manic as she says, “You’re no match for me.”
“Put the gun away. I can guarantee that you will not walk away from this.” I warn her.
She tilts her head to the side, “Are you going to stand down and allow one of the men to take over leadership of the Ravens?”
“No, not a chance in hell,” I reply firmly.
I see it in slow motion as her finger starts to press down on the trigger, and I take aim with my own gun. Before she can pull the trigger, her head jerks backward, blood splattering the yard behind her as she drops to the floor. Looking over my shoulder, my eyes collide with Mason’s, and he nods. He pulled the trigger.
“Fucking quick thinking man, well done.” Rip congratulates him as we all start to put away our weapons.
The sudden bang of the front door being kicked open has us immediately spinning around and raising our guns again. Sawyer comes running into the kitchen, his own gun raised, and comes screeching to a halt as he sees us, lowering his weapon.
“I heard a gunshot; I’m assuming you’re all okay,” he says, sounding concerned.
Putting all our weapons away, Ace replies, “Yeah, we’re alright, man. We had a bit of a situation.”
I head over to the body as everyone follows us, and Sawyer gapes.
“What the fuck happened?” he asks as he sees our bleeding guest on the floor.
“She thought that I should give up the Ravens and let a man lead because I’m going to ruin all the hard work that Treyton had put in to make it great,” I explain, and then add, “Or some bullshit along those lines.”
“Yeah, she sounded like she was a few marbles short or brainwashed or something,” Mal adds.
“At least all the mess is outside of the house this time. Most of the blood splatter, and the body are all outside.” Mason points out very matter-of-fact.
“Well, I’m not surprised that she was singing Treyton’s praises. That’s his mistress,” Sawyer sneers. “She was delusional in many ways and easily manipulated, which is why Treyton liked her so much.”
“I figured that it must have been something along those lines,” Rip replies with a frown and then turns to look at me, “alright, so do you want me to deal with this, or are we going to see first-hand how good the Raven cleaners are, since we left last time before we could see their work?”