Page 12 of The Last Sacrifice
The drugs in her veins that prevented her from harnessing her powers would also impede her natural healing. He had to get her out of the storm.
Fifteen minutes later, he turned at the next sign. Moving his bike effortlessly through the storm, Hyde rode on.
The lights ahead flickering through the trees, bringing them to a rustic hotel. The bike pulled up so close to the stairs of the entryway that it was almost touching them. Hyde shut off the engine.
Lifting her head slowly, Talia pushed her hair out of her eyes.
He stood up and effortlessly lifted her into his embrace. Hyde moved up the stairs, taking them two at a time before forcing the door open with his shoulder. He made his way to the large fire roaring in the hotel's lobby. Disregardeding the night desk clerk's shocked expression he gently placed her on a rug by the warm flames.
With a quick scan of the room, he spotted a leather lounge and grabbed a blanket off the back. He gently placed it over her shoulders and turned to face Thorn, who was standing near the entrance.
“Get the bikes out of sight, we are in for the night,”
Not taking the time to question, Thorn turned for the door.
Hyde turned his head and glared down at the desk clerk, relishing the sight of the suited man's Adam's apple bobbing up and down nervously.
Gesturing to the wet trail that led from the door to the fireplace, the clerk tried to meet his stare.
I'm sorry, but we don't have any rooms that will work for your people.
“My people?”
Trying to sound reasonable, the desk clerk tried again.
“This is a very exclusive hotel, sir, you and your...” His eyes flickered to where Talia sat huddled in front of the fire. “Friends may find the hotel a few miles up from here, more to your liking.”
“Exclusive” repeating the word Hyde stepped forward, “you mean expensive,” his tone low, almost whispering.
The clerk let out a sigh of relief and nodded.
“I’m glad you understand, sir” his eyes widening as Hyde reached for him. His fist crumpling the man's shirt in his hand as he pulled him closer.
“Please, sir...” his voice fading as he stared into Hyde’s eyes. This close, there was no missing the dark red wolf's gaze that stared down at him.
“You will fetch the woman a warm drink and food. And you will arrange rooms for me and my people,”
“We... we only have two rooms empty and one.... one of them is the honeymoon suite,”
“Do I look like I care?” Pushing him away. “get it done” he could feel the growl of his voice vibrating through him as his beast pushed against his control.
He hated pompous pricks.
The door opening to the three members of his pack. They stepped in behind him, soaked from head to foot, bags in hand, and stood glaring at the clerk.
“Thorn, pay the man for his hospitality.”
Thorn dropped the bag to the floor and fished around in his jacket. The flash of gunmetal was enough to make the clerk back up another step. “There is no need...” his voice trailing off as Thorn held up a ball of hundred-dollar bills.
“No need? I guess I can keep this, then.”
“Give him all of it” Hyde had already turned back to Talia.
As he handed over the ball of bills, Thorn's fingers lingered on the smooth surface. “For your hospitality and” leaning in closer, he inhaled deeply. Tasting the man's scent “and your silence”