Page 2 of The Last Sacrifice
Shrugging his leather jacket back over his shoulders. Hyde pulled out a cigarette. Lighting it with a snap of his fingers, he made his way over to his Harley.
“Then he should have done it himself,” swinging his leg over the black seat, “see you back at the Barracks.” His engine roaring to life, Hyde pulled out of the warehouse.
Draven. The vampire self-proclaimed king. Asshole extraordinaire and Hyde’s master.
Even in his own head, the word master was galling. But since taking down the old Alpha of the Titans, it had sealed his fate. As a half demon, he had thought himself immune to the curse of lycanthropy. He had thrown himself fully into the bar fight, just as furious as the werewolf.
But all these years later, he had no chance of remembering what the old Alpha had actually said that pissed him off. By the following moon, it didn’t matter. He hadn’t been able to resist the call of his werewolf Pack. It wasn’t all bad.
The Titans were more of a family now than he ever had. A strong crew that fought hard and partied harder. There was only one problem.
Since the middle ages, Draven, vampire king, had maintained his hold on the Pack’s leadership. The vampire held an unbreakable sway over the soldiers he had chosen to serve him. Well, almost.
Hyde hadn’t allowed his screwed up family to control him, so to find himself under the power of a bloodsucking leech had driven him to test every limit he could find. A harsh world of blood and pain had pushed him to the laughing brink of death more times than he could count. None of it mattered more than the resisting itself.
But the fucking asshole had realized that he cared more about his Pack than himself. Loyal first to the men that had become his genuine family. Their deaths meant more to him than his own.
Each fuck you, that Hyde muttered. Every order refused had resulted in one of his wolves being tortured or killed.
After six months and with no escape to be found, Hyde had finally bent his will and knee to his vampire master
That had been over fifty years ago. The city a glittering trap held him bound. Each one of his brothers holding him in chains, but he wouldn’t sacrifice any of them for the sweet freedom of death.
So his rage spread, a fire that fueled the Titans. Growing it into the most powerful Pack in America, possibly the world. His name whispered in fear by vampire and Lycan alike.
Hell, he had even come to enjoy some of it, running most of Draven’s business. His Pack had more control over the city than any human politician could dream of.
His bike purring as he slowed, turning through the opening gates of the Citadel. Pulling into his parking spot, Hyde stared at the nightclub. An ugly colossal building refashioned into one of the biggest goth clubs on the west coast.
He hated everything about it. Including the two plumes of fire that occasionally shot up into the sky by the enormous front doors. It was so damn obvious.
If Draven had been any other vampire, the Inquisition hunters would have burnt him alive years ago.
But the vampire king was too powerful for mere mortals to take down. And surrounded by his army of wolves and vamps, he was untouchable.
Frustrated, he pushed himself to dismount, making his way slowly to the staff entry. Giving Axel a nod as the wolf opened the door for him.
“The king is below.”
For a club, the Citadel was huge.
A stage designed for live concerts with multiple bars and dance floors that lined the walls in three half levels. All three floors built to accommodate the walking food that flocked here night after night.
But it was what lay underneath that was the most important.
Not stopping to take in the overwhelming scent of sweat, alcohol and sex, Hyde stepped past Axel, making his way into the restricted back passages. The sound of his boots echoing through the stone stairs as he descended. The music from above muffled as the security door closed behind him.
With a simple press of his hand against the security panel at the end of the hallway, the enormous steel doors unlocked and slid open. Ignoring the attractive vampire assistant as she sprang to her feet, he moved through the foyer. His eyes focused solely on Draven’s office door.
The Citadel could house almost three hundred supernaturals. With many levels, corridors and offices, it was easy to get lost in the maze-like home of the vampires. But Draven’s office was at the front of it all.
“Hyde” she breathed his name even as she moved to face him. With a menacing look, Hyde moved around her.
What did he care if his vampire master had his fangs or dick in some pathetic human?
The smell of it hit his senses hard. Pushing the door fully open, he took a sharp breath. Blood, fresh and rich. It made his nose twitch. The two Titan bodyguards he assigned to the king this week met his gaze. Their expressions were tight and shutdown. It was all the warning he needed.
Moving into the room, the Alpha’s eye barely flickered to the hanging figure. Even as the near dead man mumbled his name like a prayer. The metallic smell of blood filled the air as it dripped down the almost unrecognizable body and into the bucket below.