Page 20 of The Last Sacrifice
He was leaning against the wall. He didn’t look up at the sound of the elevator, his arms crossed and head down low as he stood with his eyes closed.
“They are all asleep and will be for hours” tugging her forward, Marnie headed for the doors. Past where Thorn stood, snoring softly.
Slowly Talia followed her, unable to help but glance back continuously. Any second she expected to see Hydes furious form behind her. To see Thorn reaching out. But as they stepped outside, nobody shouted for her to stop.
Shivering as the icy breeze hit her.
The hem of the dressing gown lifting high over her thighs, as she followed Marnie down the stone stairs to where a Jeep stood waiting. Its engine idling. She slid into the passenger side, closing the door behind her with a satisfying thud. Her eyes staring at the door of the hotel as Marnie put the car into gear.
“The rain will hit again soon. That will help in hiding your scent.”
Huddling in front of the small fan of heat blowing out of the dash, Talia nodded.
“So you know about...”
“Honey, no human would be stupid enough to wear Titan’s colours. They are the biggest Pack in America. More like an evil special forces than Pack,”
Pulling out of the car park as rain started to fall again, Talia let herself sit back in the seat. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.
“Don’t worry, I will get you back to your Coven.”
“I don’t have a Coven,”
“You don’t?” Marnie nodded as she tapped the steering wheel, giving her a side glance. “Are you a rogue?”
“It would make sense if you were. As powerful as the Titans and their king are. Taking on the Arcandians is not a smart move, but one lone witch... well, that’s easy prey,”
“My parents aren’t witches, just my Nana and I,” Turning in her seat to look at Marnie, Talia shook her head. “We were supposed to meet her old Coven on my next birthday. You’re the first witch outside my Nan I’ve met, and I have no idea how you knew I was one.”
“Your eyes,”
“What about my eyes?”
“Every witch, warlock born with Arcandian blood has the gold flecks throughout their eyes. Yours are almost miss-able, but I noticed,”
A small laugh escaped Talia as she rolled her eyes. She had always just assumed she had inherited her eyes as a family trait of her grandmother. But apparently it was something more. Something bigger that she had never been a part of. There were going to be a lot of questions for her Nana when she seen her next.
“So your eyes?”
“Have the same gold. But I’m using a spell to hide them. I didn’t want to be interesting to the Titans. That’s a game no-one wants to play,”
“Yet you risked yourself to help me?”
“I have a friend,” nodding Marnie pulled the car onto the main mountain road. “He works at getting people out of the country, away from people like the Titans and their boss. He helped me once, and he didn’t know me.” looking over at her, Marnie reached for her hand. “I couldn’t do any less for you,” she said, squeezing her fingers tightly.
As she looked out the window, Talia bit her lip to hold back tears and focused on the sound of rain hitting the glass. Taking deep breaths, she watched the rain run down the glass of her window in small rivers. The sky lighting up occasionally as thunder roared around them and the trees swaying in the wind like wild creatures. A dark pantomime hiding the predator.
It was only when Marnie slowed the car, turning up a narrow dirt road, that Talia looked back up.
“where are we going?”
“My friend has a cabin higher in the mountains. From there we will can work out the best plan to get you as far from here as possible,”
“I need to call my Nana, she is in danger,”
Marnie shrugged and pointed to the glove box. “My phone is in there, but I’m not sure of how much signal you will get with the storm this bad,”
Pulling the phone out, Talia punched in the passcode as Marnie told it to her. Her fingers hovering over the keypad, before pushing her doubt aside, she pressed the numbers of her grandmother’s phone. Her eyes closing as the automated voice informed her of her failure to connect.