Page 30 of The Last Sacrifice
The bike slowed down a little, Talia’s whole body stiffening as she spied Marnie’s car. The front and side panels crumpled against the trees, glass shattered over the empty seats. Placing his feet down on the ground, the engine of the bike idling under him. Hyde manoeuvred them closer. His eyes scanning the inside of the car before his nose rose, sniffing the air.
“She’s gone,”
“But you could find her?”
With a raised eyebrow, Hyde glanced at her over his shoulder.
While the idea had some appeal. Talia shook her head.
“I just hate the idea of her doing what she did to me to someone else,”
“Do you want me to hunt her for you?” His voice was low, a little eager.
Silence hung thick in the air, like a noose around her neck. Talia’s heart was pounding so hard she could hear it drumming in her ears.
“You mean to kill her?” she choked out, staring into the abyss of Hyde’s red eyes. They watched every thought that crossed through her mind.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they both held their breath, locked in a wordless exchange. Could she really send Hyde off to kill someone for her? To know without a doubt that he would get the job done.
Meeting his eyes calmly, she shook her head.
“No, enough blood has been spilt tonight,” Talia said. She didn’t want anymore death tonight. Knowing that sending the police after her would be a disaster, Talia would just have to trust that, in due time, karma would come for Marnie.
The idling of the revving engine filled the air as Hyde guided the bike away from the car, nodding to himself as they started back down the winding track.
The track became the road, and the road weaved around the mountains. The morning sun stretching over the treetops, sending shafts of light to dance across the wet grey tar as they rode.
The beauty of the mountains easing the knot in her chest as she let her eyes drink in the mountain as it woke from the menace of the night.
Leaning into every curve of the road, Hyde guided the bike steadily to the track of the hotel. Her hands tightening her hold, Talia closed her eyes.
The peaceful moment of being alone on the road would soon end as the harsh reality of day approached..
For a moment, she wished that Hyde had kept riding. Taking her far from the mountains, away from the wolves that awaited their return. Away from the master that haunted her dreams.
She could feel the bike slowing. Her eyes opening to stare at the front of the hotel that she had run from in the middle of the night.
Hyde put his foot down to steady the bike and gazed up at the door.
“So? Are the happy honeymooners going inside naked and covered in blood?”
Without answering her, Hyde turned the bike off. Alone in the silence of the empty carpark, Talia took a deep breath before dismounting. Every muscle aching as she stretched slowly.
She needed a shower desperately before she could even think past the moment.
Standing to his full height, Hyde turned to her.
Feeling the blush filling her cheeks, she forced herself to look only at his face. Not the broad shoulders or the muscled chest covered in scars. And god forbid, her gaze wanders even further south of him.
A twitch of his lips, the only sign of amusement at her determination not to look at the full glory of him, Hyde stepped forward.
Looking up at him as he leaned in, Talia bit back a gasp as he swept her up in his arms. He cradled her gently and quickly made his way to the side of the hotel, avoiding all eye contact.
With ease, Hyde adjusted Talia’s weight to his left arm, and she shook her head as she followed his gaze up to the high balcony of the honeymoon suite.
“Oh, hell no!”