Page 63 of The Last Sacrifice
“Things between you seem to be going well,”
“I suppose so,”
“He treats you better than I’ve ever seen him treat anyone,”
Talia unzipped the red silk dress, feeling the smooth fabric slide down her body and pool at her feet. Picking it up, she hung it over one of the chairs at the table. The one dress was worth more than her entire wardrobe at home.
“That’s what bothers me” pulling on a satin robe over her underwear, she moved over to the bed.
The sun would be up soon, and yet she wasn’t tired. Being under ground was messing with her sense of time and her sleeping pattern.
Ghost frowned at her, tilting her head to the side.
“Why? He should treat you like gold. You are his” her fingers rising to make the quotations signs in the air. “wife”
“It’s easy to be nice to me.” crawling to the middle of the bed, she sat with her legs crossed. “he thinks he loves me. That I am his dead wife brought back to life” her hands lifting to the black diamond still nestled above her breasts. Her fingers absently running over the smooth stone. “He burnt a city to the ground to avenge my death” her eyes glancing back at the book on the table. The account had been written as the starting point to Draven breaking away from the old ways. To becoming a vampire king. The first human born to do so.
“He will do anything to win ‘me’ back,” smiling as her own fingers rose to make the quotation signs. “It’s how he treats everyone else...”
She shrugged, her forehead creasing into a frown. “I think I’m being a good influence than something else ....” Allowing her voice to trail off, she shook her head.
“I don’t know. What do you think?”
“Ha!” Ghost laughed and shook her head. “Oh, hell no. I work for the man I’m not risking getting caught in the middle of all this.”
“Then tell me something else.”
“If I can” rising, Ghost made her way over to the bottle of whisky on the table.
“How did Draven get the power to control wolves?” Pointing at the book, she frowned. “It states that only the naturally born vampires have such powerful gifts. As a human born, he shouldn’t be this powerful, right?”
“Damn girl... You really know how to ask the big questions,”
“He shouldn’t be able to control Hyde like that. It’s not...” pulling her hair down, she stared at the clip before looking back at Ghost. “Its not right”
There, she said it.
She shouldn’t care about Hyde. But the man had saved her life. He had held her while she sobbed.
She just couldn’t shake the image of that strong man on his knees. Humiliated, with Draven towering over him. it unsettled something deep inside her.
“Hyde is the most powerful of all of us. His demon heritage gives him some resistance to Draven’s control. But not all the time,” Ghost’s voice dipped low as she turned a glass over.
“It is said that before he came to America, Draven hunted the elders of Europe. Draining enough of them that his power grew, becoming too much for them to deal with him directly. So they exiled him here.”
Ghost shrugged before pouring a glass, and holding it up to Talia, silently asking if she wanted one too. Smiling at the shake of the head.
“Others say that his witch wife gave her powers on him at her time of death so he could be her revenge,”
Taking a mouthful, she met Talias’ gaze. “Another story says he was a child of a vampire and human... His powers increased only after he was turned.”
“Which one do you believe?”
“Draven has very strained relations with the elders of Europe. Where’s smoke, there’s fire”
Ghost picked up the ring box and raised her eyebrows. “Are you planning on getting closer to him to find out?”
“He wants me too, but I won’t. I didn’t even open it.” giving a yawn, she pulled a pillow onto her lap.