Page 87 of The Last Sacrifice
Ignoring the bite of Ghost’s words. Talia nodded.
“Can you pass me the veil” the Lycan had been trying to hide her worry and upset ever since her relationship with Draven had finally come together. She understood it. Hell, she even appreciated it. Draven’s anger was a fearsome thing. And like a good friend, Ghost didn’t understand how Talia could forgive and move on.
But to truly love him, she had to accept the darkness and danger within him. He was no ordinary man. In time, Ghost would see that. Love always found a way.
Taking the veil off the shop girl, Ghost stood behind her. It had surprised Talia that her bodyguard hadn’t insisted on helping her into the dress, instead of the shop assistant.
Just to convince Draven to let her come here today had taken the assignment of three other guards. Two out the front, one at the back door. Not to mentioned the armoured car sitting out the front.
Her fingers apt as Ghost moved them through her hair, clipping the veil into place amongst her curls.
Drawing it over her shoulders, the leather-clad woman paused. Her fingers rising to Talia’s nape. Tracing the two small puncture wounds that had sealed on her neck, she frowned. Her eyes rising to meet Talia’s in the mirror.
Unable to stop the blush washing over her, Talia tried hard to bite back the smile.
“He has bitten you?”
The sensation of his teeth sinking into her flesh was seared into her brain as one of the most erotic moments of her life. Unable to push back the smile any long, Talia let it bloom across her face.
“Did you drink his blood at all?”
Wrinkling her nose, Talia shook her head.
“I am not the vampire, remember?” Tracing the small bite marks on her nape, she smiled.
“Perhaps a chocker?”
“We have just the thing” Turning to the glass cabinet filled with jewellery, the shop assistant knelt to unlock the sliding door.
Taking Ghost’s hand, Talia squeezed her fingers.
“You need to trust me. I know what I am doing?”
“Do you?” giving Ghost a reproachful smile. Talia reached down to take the chocker. Before her fingers even grazed the material, a loud explosion shook the air. The shop window shattered into a thousand fragments, sending glass flying in every direction. Ghost’s arms wrapping around her as two more loud rifle shots echoed in her ears. All her air escaping as Ghost’s full force slammed her off the pedestal and onto the floor. Her lean leather clad body covering her as the glass of the mirrors rained down over them.
“Stay down,” Ghost breathed in her ear, “crawl towards the back with me.”
Heart pumping loud in her chest, Talia nodded, attempting to crawl and failing. The long satin dress catching under her own weight, making her movement under Ghost more a wiggle than a crawl.
A half scream escaping from her as another loud exploding shot echoed around them. Pressing herself into the soft carpet of the floor, Talia squeezed her eyes tight. Her arms rising to cover her head as even more glass fell around her.
“No time for hysterics” Ghost’s voice was commanding in her ear, “Move!”
Pulling the skirts as high as she could, Talia half wiggled and half crawled. Ghost moving over her, keeping her body as a shield even as she pulled a rack of wedding dress down behind them.
Looking up at the large Lycan that had come from the back door, a gun naked in his hands. Scythe’s eyes taking in the scene even as he crouched out of sight of the shooter. His hand extending to pull Talia to him.
Another shot ringing out as he moved her into the small hallway, out of sight of the main window.
“We have to get her out of here,” Ghost’s voice was breathy.
“We will take her car” following his gesture, Talia’s heart constricted with guilt at the sight of the shop assistant huddled on the other side of the jewellery case. Her eyes seeming too big for her face as she stared at them. Too terrified to move.
Draven had said it was dangerous, and she hadn’t listened. Why the hell hadn’t she listened?
Letting them pull her to her feet, she stumbled past the change rooms, through the storage area and out the back. She blinked at the suddenness of the bright sunlight.
With a swift motion, Scythe shattered the window of the small hatchback and unlocked the back door.