Page 92 of The Last Sacrifice
How she smelled like springtime jasmine, how her eyes would blaze when she was mad. How she fit perfectly into the curve of his body as they slept.
Growling, his bike accelerating faster, he weaved through the streets.
The only thing he hadn’t known, hadn’t questioned, was what Draven wanted with her.
He will bet his life that whatever it was; it had something to do with why the Inquisition was brave enough to come for her in his city. His territory.
Pulling his bike over to the curb, he placed both feet on the ground. Leaning on the handlebars, his eyes moving over the small crowd of police officers. Studying the crime scene, cameras flashing, videos being recorded.
A fucking wedding dress shop.
Grimacing at himself, Hyde turned the engine off. Dismounting, he made his way over to the crime scene. The shattered glass of the window crunching under his boots. As he pushed his sunglasses closer to his eyes.
Rage. molton hot, firing his beast to life. His wolf eager as the scent of her lingering fear hit his senses.
She had been terrified. Panicked.
His fingers curling into a fist, he forced himself to remember that she was safe, back underground at the club. He had to focus on the who and why. While Draven thought him laid up in bed, he had time. Time to find out what the fuck was going on.
His gaze moving over the shop. Taking in the broken mirrors, the racks of white dresses pulled to the floor. The blood splatter of Ghost’s wounds, stark against the white wall, splattered across the soft ivory satin. He could feel the flash of red in his eyes as his energy flared behind the lens of his glasses.
Ignoring the looks being shot his way, Hyde reached for the crumped pack of smokes in his back pocket. Talia still had his jacket. Giving a half smile at the thought of her in it. He shook his head. What kind of number had she done on his head? He felt like an awkward teenager with a crush on the head cheerleader. Everything in him craved her. Yet she wasn’t his. Would never be his.
Story of his bloody life.
Pulling out a cigarette, he lit it with a covered snap of his fingers. He didn’t want to smell her fear. It was enough to know that it was here. Taking a deep drag, he turned his head.
Watching as the police detective paused mid conversation.
“Fuck me” the words were barely spoken under his breath. As he put away his notepad. Waving the other uniformed officers back, he made his way past the array of fallen dresses. Stepping out of the now empty window to the street.
“Detective Frank Parker” Hyde’s voice was a low growl
“Hyde” unbuttoning his jacket, the detective moved to stand next to him. “Its good to see that the rumours of your death were exaggerated”
The detective had been working with the Titans for the last ten years, one of the few human policemen that Hyde didn’t want to kill on sight. Frank knew that the supernatural world crossing into the human society would be a disaster. He had resigned himself to work for Hyde years ago. And the cash payments had certainly helped with keeping him and others like him in line.
“Often is” taking another long drag of the cigarette “What do you know?”
“Well, thanks to your guys removing the surveillance cameras, I have no idea on who our intended target was,” taking his glasses off the detective rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“But with you here personally, I’m assuming it was someone important?” Hyde didn’t answer, just kept his gaze on him, the soft flare of red behind the dark lenses, the only hint that he had heard him at all.
“yeah, ok” looking away from Hyde, the detective hid his unease by pointing to the jewellery store across the road.
“Wasn’t a drive by. The shooter waited in that window over there,” pulling out his notepad, he glanced down at his writing.
“The witness that we have, say’s her customer, was on her third dress when the attack happed.” A growl slipping past Hyde’s lips. His gut twisting at the idea of Talia preening in a white dress.
With a frown, the detective lifted his head, his voice hesitant..
“We found shell casing in the upper room, a partial thumbprint which we are running now, but haven’t heard from it yet,”
“You won’t need it” once he got the scent Hyde could find the shooter. He let his lips twist into a bitter smile. “Show me”
Taking a step forward, Hyde crossed the road to the jewellery store. Knowing full well that the detective would follow.
Letting the officer lead the way up the stairs, Hyde moved. His senses sharpening as he stepped into an almost empty storage room. Someone had stacked haphazardly a few boxes near the window. The floor was littered with a few dropped shell casings, the only evidence that someone had sat in the now empty chair.