Page 33 of Poison Pen
Even if she didn’t know it yet.
Ricki, completely unaware of my fratricidal thoughts, flashed Thane a wide smile, and I clenched my jaw tight.
“Hi,” she said, hand extended. “Nice to meet you. I’m Enrica Vasquez.”
Enrica Vasquez.
Fuck, even her name was sexy.
“Well, hello, Enrica,” the smarmy dick I called a brother said, moseying down the porch steps and taking her hand in both of his. “It’s agreatpleasure to meet you.”
Ricki let out a small laugh, then turned to me with a smile on her face.
“You sure know a lot of smooth-talking cowboy types, Asher. I’m beginning to think you’re the only one without manners.”
“You got that right,” came Bretton’s voice, and I groaned. “But please, tell me more. I appreciate all the ammunition I can get when it comes to torturing my brothers.”
“Brett, I thought that of all people, you would be on my side.”
“The only side I play on is mine, Ash,” she replied with a wink. “Sorry.” Turning to Ricki, Brett gave a small wave. “I’m Bretton, the middle child, and the only one with a lick of sense in the whole family.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Ricki.”
“So, Ash. You want to tell me what has you back here less than half a day after you left? And with a girl, no less.” My sister sent me a knowing look, and I cringed inwardly; she was not going to let me off the hook without a good long talk, one that I was not looking forward to.
I was saved from answering, however, when Nacho let out an unholy screech from the back of the truck.
“Actually,” Bretton amended, her eyes wide. “I’d like to know what you’re doing back here less than a half a day after you left with a girlanda goat.”
“It’s a long story.” Ricki chuckled lightly. “One involving an old lady’s will, a British butler, and a bottle of Dunn Creek whiskey.”
“Sounds fucking amazing.” Thane laughed, his hands rubbing together with glee.
“Alright,” I called, making my way to the back of the truck and dropping the tailgate and climbing up. “It’s not like we forgot about you, you noisy menace.” Grabbing the leash, I opened the door to the crate and secured it to the collar still around the poor goat’s neck.
“Okay, now I’m really confused.” Thane stood watching, idly scratching the back of his neck, as I maneuvered the animal out of the crate and off the back of the truck where he immediately started pulling against the leash, attempting to eat the last of my sisters fall flowers from the terracotta pots she had dotted along the driveway.
“Don’t you dare,” I warned him, giving the leash a light tug, but not quite fast enough to prevent one of the round flower heads from disappearing into his mouth. “Brett’ll have my hide if you eat those.”
“Careful!” Brett called, moving forward to shoo the goat away. “They might make him sick.”
“It’s just a little cactus Dahlia,” Ricki put in, making us all turn to look at her. “It won’t do him any harm.”
“You know what kind of plant that is?” Bretton asked, her eyebrows high.
“Uh, yeah?” Ricki shrugged, suddenly looking a bit shy. “I got a thing for plants, I guess. That”—she indicated to the few red and yellow petals still sticking out of Nacho’s mouth—“was a Bridge View Aloha Cactus Dahlia. Great for long-lasting summer and fall flowers, and it attracts butterflies like a boss.”
“Asher,” Brett said without looking at me, a smile on her face. “Why don’t you get your goat settled in the barn for the night, then you and Ricki come on into the house. Gramps is already asleep, but we’ll still have a drink and get to know your girl.”
My girl.
Goddamn, if I didn’t like the sound of that just fine.
Chapter eighteen