Page 18 of Karma
Since she’d already bought everyone a round of drinks and fund-raising discussion wasn’t going to happen, Liza reached for her purse on the floor and rose.
“Where are you going?” Faith asked, sounding upset she was ready to leave.
“I need to get home. I have work,” Liza lied.
Dare immediately stood. “I’ll walk you out.”
She shook her head. “You don’t need to do that. Stay with your friends.”
He grasped her elbow. “I know I don’t need to. I want to.”
All the breath left her body in a rush of air.
Good-byes were said. Plans were made to meet up next week for the fundraiser, but if they’d chosen a day, Liza wouldn’t remember it.
At that moment, Dare’s hand on her arm as he escorted her outside was the only thing that mattered.
Chapter Four
Liza rushed throughthe crowd, her exit faster than her entrance. Dare was right behind her, his hand on her arm, but she didn’t stop. She needed the open space and fresh air where she could think more clearly without his body heat so close it suffocated her. And not in a bad way.
No sooner had they reached the sidewalk, the noise and buzz from inside the bar receding, than she turned to face him. “I don’t understand you.” She looked into his handsome face.
His expression told her he was clearly confused. “What? That I wanted to walk you out?”
She shook her head. “Since when do you want anything to do with me at all? Before I nearly ran you over yesterday by the park, every conversation we’ve ever had bordered on contentious and mean.” She braced her hands on her hips, knowing the little bit of alcohol she’d had—which she usually stayed away from because of both her own past and her brother’s tendency to overindulge—was responsible for her bold outburst now.
He frowned, obviously not pleased with her at all. “You are so wrong I don’t know where to begin,” he muttered and did the last thing she’d expected. He extended his hand. “Come with me.”
“Where?” she asked warily.
He again thrust his hand toward her. “Trust me?”
“I don’t trust anyone.” Now, why had she said that? She bit the inside of her cheek at the spontaneous admission.
He groaned. “Fine. Surprises are out then. We’re going for ice cream, and then we’ll talk.”
Startled, she blinked. He wanted something as simple and easy as ice cream? “Really?”
“Yeah. Now, will you go with me?” he asked, sounding as if he really wanted her company.
She knew she wanted his, and that scared her. Spending time talking led to a closeness she normally avoided, especially with men.
But she wanted to figure out why he got to her so badly. Maybe she’d get answers. At the very least, she’d get fed, and she was starving.
So she placed her palm in his.
He stared at their connected hands and shook his head in disbelief.
She knew the feeling but couldn’t bring herself to walk away.
“You could’ve told me ice cream was the key,” he muttered as he wrapped his fingers around her hand and led them down the street toward the shop that had been in town longer than she could remember.
They reached the store, and bells jingled as they walked inside. “Know what you want?” Dare asked.
She didn’t hesitate. “Mint chocolate chip in a sugar cone.”
“I like a woman who knows her mind.” He winked at her, and a flood of warmth washed over her.