Page 56 of Karma
She still hadn’t processed the fact that she’d destroyed the center of town, crushed her beloved car, and nearly killed herself in the process.
The whole morning seemed surreal and made no sense.
“Can you just go?” She didn’t care if she had to beg. Her defenses were too low to deal with Dare right now.
“Do you promise you’re okay?” He reached out to touch her cheek, then obviously thought better and dropped his hand.
She dug her nails into her palms, torn between disappointment and satisfaction that she’d gotten what she wanted. He was keeping his distance. And it hurt more than this morning’s argument had. At least then she’d had her own anger to bolster her emotions.
Now she was drained. “I’m fine.”
He inclined his head. “I’ll make sure Mason makes your car a priority.”
She nodded. “Thank you.”
“Take it easy for the rest of the day, okay?” he asked, his gruff voice winding its way through her veins.
She managed a nod.
He started for the door, and she walked him out, locking up behind him. Only when she was alone did her legs begin to shake again, and she headed for her family room couch, where she curled into a ball and let the trembling take over.
An hour later, Liza’s earlier shock had begun to wear off. Knowing she had things to do, she pulled herself together. First, she checked in at the office with a quick explanation of what had happened. Then she called the company her firm was dealing with in Mystic to explain her absence and reschedule the meeting. Then she focused on the accident. She reported the accident to her insurance agent, who assured her the costs of a rental car were fully covered.
She was deep in thought when her doorbell rang. Liza glanced up, surprised by yet another visitor, this one in the middle of the day.
She walked to the door and discovered Kelly Barron on the other side. “Hi,” Liza said as she opened the door to let the other woman inside.
“Hi yourself.” Kelly looked Liza over thoroughly from her now bare feet and over her wrinkled suit. “Well, you look like you made it through unscathed. The center of town doesn’t look nearly as good.”
Liza winced at the reminder. “I’m fine. Just really embarrassed.”
“By an accident? Don’t be silly. I’m just glad you’re okay. Your brakes failed? That’s so scary.”
“Tell me about it.” She shivered involuntarily. “I’d ask what you’re doing here, but I have a hunch Dare sent you?” Liza flexed and unflexed her fingers, waiting for an answer.
“Well, I’d have come anyway as soon as I heard what happened, but yes, Dare called.”
Liza shook her head. “Don’t you need to be at work?” she asked, knowing the other woman was a paralegal.
“It’ll wait. Today’s a light day, so no worries about me. What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Dare mentioned you might need a ride to a car rental place…or to the police station to sign your statement.” With a light laugh, Kelly shrugged. “Sorry, but those Barron brothers like to take control.”
And it didn’t seem like it bothered her all that much.
“I realize that.” And though Liza should be angry, she was strangely touched as well. “I just don’t get it,” she added softly.
“Get what?” Kelly asked.
Liza sighed. “Come on into the kitchen,” she said, figuring they could sit down for this conversation. “Soda? Water? Iced tea?”
“Whatever you’re having.” Kelly settled into the kitchen chair Dare had been in just this morning.
After handing them each a can of diet soda, Liza joined her at the table. “Remember,youasked,” she warned Dare’s sister-in-law before she dove into any conversation. If she dove in. Liza wasn’t used to sharing.
“And I’m listening.” Kelly, wearing denim shorts and a cropped T-shirt, crossed one long leg over the other.