Page 66 of Karma
There were still things he recognized. The man who’d been atoning for his sins by becoming a cop. Dare got that. And his position in law enforcement made him protective by nature. Dare understood that too. But this desire to take care of Liza ran deeper than some job.
She rattled him to the point where he’d forgotten to question her about important things, like why she was so sure no one had sabotaged her car—because Dare knew someone had. For one thing, he trusted Mason. And Sam had checked with the service center that had worked on Liza’s vehicle and learned the brake line had been in perfect condition when the car left the shop.
Then there had been Liza’s insistence on the day of the accident that Brian would never intentionally hurt her. What was it she’d said?He was the one who was there when—
It wasn’t the first time she’d alluded to…something.
What didn’t she want to tell him? The thought kept him pacing, his curiosity running rampant and not because he was a professional.
He padded across the floor in his small apartment and drew open the blinds. The morning had dawned bright and sunny. Maybe the weatherman had heard Dare’s threats about what he’d do if it rained because today was the perfect pool day. And he was off from work so he could enjoy it.
Enjoy Liza.
So much for distance,he thought with a harsh laugh.
An hour later, he was standing with his brothers on the deck of Ethan’s pool. This mansion still blew him away. The pool house was bigger than the house he and his brothers had grown up in; the pool was massive with a built-in waterfall, and the heater ensured the perfect water temperature. Who knew his brother’s penchant for video games would translate into government contracts and a multimillion-dollar career?
He glanced at the sparkling water where Kelly and Faith were in bikinis, relaxing on floats and talking quietly. Liza was nowhere to be found, and disappointment didn’t begin to cover how that made Dare feel.
“Are you going to ask where she is, or are you just going to keep watching the door and sulking?” Nash asked, laughing as he tossed Ethan a bottle of water and then did the same for Dare.
Nash twisted the top and took a long, cool drink. Instead of cursing at his brother, he groaned and said, “Okay, I’ll bite. Where’s Liza?”
“She called and told Faith she’d be late. She had to stop at an antique shop first.” Ethan took a long swig of water.
“See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Nash grinned.
Dare flicked him with the end of a wet towel like they used to do when they were kids.
“Don’t make me throw you into the pool,” Nash muttered.
“Do it, and the women will drown you.” Ethan grinned.
Dare flung himself into a lounge chair that felt more like a plush recliner. “Can’t you two shut up for five minutes?”
“Ethan, can you get us some iced tea?” Faith called from the pool.
Dare raised an eyebrow as Ethan headed inside without a word of complaint. “He’s whipped.”
Nash took the chair beside him. “And you’re not?”
“I’m not married,” Dare muttered.
“Maybe you wish you were.” Before Dare could respond or haul off and hit his sibling, Nash continued. “Ever been in love, little brother?”
Dare broke into a sweat that had nothing to do with the heat of the summer sun. “What the hell kind of question is that?”
“The kind you ask your brother who’s on edge. Who’s worried about a woman he barely knew until a few short weeks ago.” Nash frowned. “Are you telling me anything about your reaction to Liza is normal? I mean normal for you.”
Dare scowled. “I’ve always been a relationship guy.”
Nash nodded. “You have. And in those relationships, you’ve never hovered.”
“I’m not hovering.”
“You can’t leave her alone.”
“I haven’t seen or spoken to her in four days,” he muttered.