Page 85 of Karma
Her guaranteed safety was the key.
He waited until they’d pulled into her driveway and exited the car. He turned and grasped her hand before she could walk inside.
“Don’t.” She pulled back.
“Don’t what? Tell you I understand why you made the offer? Because I do.”
Her eyes opened wide. “Then why the silent treatment?”
“Because I wanted to take my time and think things through. Yes, you have to pay off his debts to be safe. But…”
Her hopeful expression drooped at his qualification. “But what?”
“Who’s to say it’ll be the last time? What happens next time he gets into trouble? Or the next? It’s your long-term welfare that matters.”
“There are no guarantees in this life. Trust me, I know.”
She started to turn away, but he grasped her face. “Hey. Don’t be angry because I care. I’m telling you I agree with what you have to do.”
“You just don’t approve.” She raised a hand before he could interrupt. “Don’t worry. I get it. Look, I’m tired. Can we just go inside and get some sleep? Tomorrow, we’ll deal with the logistics of how to make this thing with Brian happen.”
He let her go, following her to the door. What more could he say? There was no point in beating the dead horse that was her brother, his alcoholism, and the years of enabling him that had led to this moment.
Dare might bethisclose to falling in love with her. Hell, he was probably already there. But his speech about the cyclical nature of her brother’s disease and the inevitability of her bailing him out again wouldn’t be changing any time soon.
Once and for all, he had to decide whether he could deal with it…or not.
Liza couldn’t say which of them withdrew first. She only knew that she lay on one side of her bed and he on the other. She pretended to sleep, but she wasn’t even close. Her heart was close to breaking, and if this was how she felt now, imagine the agony she’d feel once she really invested her heart.
Nope, withdrawal was the smart thing. The right thing. The only thing she could do.
Because Dare would be here now while she was in danger. He’d help her get through this situation and maybe even stick around for the honeymoon period after, when Brian did whatever he could to stay out of trouble. And then, after she fell for him completely, Brian would do something, Liza would have to help him, and Dare wouldn’t be able to understand.
He agreed with her decision, but he didn’t approve. Liza considered those words fair warning and decided to act accordingly.
Dare met Ethanand Nash for lunch at the Family Restaurant on Thursday afternoon. The restaurant had been Dare’s meeting place with Nash for years. He’d never imagined Ethan would be included in these impromptu luncheons, but he had to admit he was grateful they’d put the past behind them.
The meal consisted of the usual barrage of insults and jokes, serious questions about other things, and of course eating burgers and guzzling soda.
“So Tess wants to go to a party Friday night,” Ethan said, leaning back in the booth.
Dare narrowed his gaze. “What kind of party?”
“House party. She’s been good lately. Grades are excellent, hanging out with Michelle, who’s been a good influence…”
“Kelly mentioned it to me. Is Michelle going to the party?” Nash asked.
Ethan nodded. “Faith’s leaning toward saying yes, rewarding her for good behavior and all that. Kelly agreed with her.”
Dare listened to the conversation and processed the arguments in favor, but his mind had already been made up. “Are you all crazy?”
Ethan met his gaze. “We can’t keep her locked in her room. That’ll just encourage her to sneak around when she starts to feel like we’ll never trust her.”
“And meanwhile, she’s just gotten her previous record expunged. Why would you want to risk something like this?” Dare asked, fists clenched hard.
“Is this her brother talking, or is it the cop in you?” Nash asked.