Page 94 of Karma
Alexa shot him a sympathetic glance. “I need you to stay calm and let me finish. Yes, based on her symptoms, we think she was slipped the date rape drug. The turnaround on the test takes time. But she wasn’t raped.”
“Oh, thank God,” Kelly said, and Nash wrapped an arm around her waist before she could collapse.
Dare squeezed her hand so hard Liza nearly lost the circulation in her fingers, but she didn’t care. Dare was leaning on her and that’s all that mattered.
Alexa spoke with the clinical detachment required of a doctor, but her eyes were kind. “If Tess had been drunk when she’d been slipped the drug, it would have hit her system harder. Rohypnol is a benzodiazepine. In other words, it’s a central nervous system depressant like Valium, only ten times more potent. Overused or mixed with alcohol, it can also suppress the respiratory system. Since Tess had had some of the drink, her breathing became shallow and she probably fainted.”
“How do you know…I mean, are you sure she wasn’t raped?” Faith asked in a shaking voice.
“We did an exam while she was still out of it and ran tests,” the doctor explained. “There’s no evidence of sexual intercourse. And from what the police on the scene discovered by talking to the few kids who stuck around, Tess’s friend never left her side.”
“Good girl, Michelle,” Kelly whispered.
“Is she awake?” Dare asked, clearly needing to see her.
Alexa shook her head. “She’s in and out. We didn’t have to pump her stomach because the paramedics were smart enough to hook her up to an IV before they brought her in. Flushing her system saved her from that. When she comes to, she’s going to feel awful, hung over with a headache, among other things, thanks to the effects of the drug. She may or may not remember much either. But she’s alive and that’s what matters.” She smiled at them. “I’ll let you know when you can see her, okay?”
“Thanks,” Dare said, his gaze meeting hers.
“I’d say it’s my job, but in this case it’s much more. I’ll get you in soon,” she promised, before heading back inside.
Nash pulled Kelly into a hug. Ethan did the same with Faith. Which left Dare staring at Liza.
“Good news,” she said softly. “As good as you could hope for given the circumstances.”
He nodded.
“Thanks for being here,” he said gruffly.
“You’d do thesame for me.” Liza shook her head. “What am I talking about? You already have.” There wasn’t anywhere she’d rather be, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Excuse me.”
They turned toward the door where Alexa stood. “You can see her now. Family only. Two at a time and for just a few minutes. She needs rest.”
“I want to sleep in her room,” Kelly said.
Alexa nodded. “She’s still in the ER, but once they get her settled, if she’s in a private room, we can arrange that.”
“I’ll take care of the room,” Ethan said.
“Okay, then. Who’s first?” Alexa asked.
“Since I’m staying over, Nash and I can go last,” Kelly said.
“And I want to make sure that if a private room’s available, Tess gets it, so Faith and I will handle that now.” Ethan inclined his head at Dare. “You go on in first.”
Liza marveled at how this family, who’d been estranged not one short year ago, pulled together for one teenage girl. The lump that had been in her throat since Nash took the call grew larger. “I hope Tess knows how lucky she is to have all of you,” Liza said, her voice catching.
“If she doesn’t, I’ll make sure she does.” Nash slipped his hand into Kelly’s.
Ethan walked up to Dare and met his gaze. “You were right about her not going to the party. We should have listened.”
“You weren’t all wrong about trusting her, either. She didn’t do anything wrong. She was a victim here.”
Liza studied Dare’s strong profile, amazed at his generosity given the circumstances. Amazed at Ethan’s ability to admit he was wrong too. These Barron men were strong and complex. She never knew what one of them would do or say next, but she admired them as much as she envied this family’s closeness. She didn’t know what it was like to be a part of such a strong unit, but with everything in her, Liza was grateful Tess did.