Page 39 of Ravage
“Is fucking perfect.” He knelt beside the bed and hooked his hands behind her knees, then dragged her to the edge of the mattress until he was positioned between her thighs, his face inches away from her pussy.
The bravado she’d felt when she’d first stepped into his arms was gone. She’d had clothes on then, had wanted Roman to fuck her right there, standing up in the entry of her tiny apartment.
She hadn’t imagined a moment where he would insist on staring at her ass-naked, his fevered gaze roaming her body like a spotlight.
He reached between her thighs, squeezed her tits in his hands before trailing them over her stomach, tracing her stretch marks with his fingers before placing a reverent kiss on her soft flesh.
He nuzzled her belly. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
There was so much awe in his voice she almost believed him.
He sat back on his heels and spread her legs wider.
A moan escaped her mouth as he ran his fingers through her slick folds.
“You can’t hide from me, Ruby. I’m going to know every inch of you.”
He was glad she was spread out in front of him. It made it impossible for him to dwell on the way she’d tried to cover herself, and that was a good thing because it broke his fucking heart.
She was magnificent, perfect in every way. He wanted to kill anyone who’d ever made her feel differently, anyone who’d ever hurt her or made her feel like she had to hide herself.
He closed his mouth around her tiny clit and sucked and was rewarded with a moan.
The sound was addictive.
Shewas addictive.
He lapped at her clit and she moved her hips to work with the motion of his tongue, her body on a mission for release.
It only made him harder, the promise of her wet heat forcing him to deny the impulse to drive into her then and there. He wanted to make her feel good, to give her all the pleasure she deserved, because he had a feeling pleasure — all kinds of pleasure — had been in short supply in her world.
He slid two fingers inside her and moved them to the rhythm of his tongue, learning what she liked from the way her body moved, the way she responded to his fingers and his mouth.
She was sweet as honey, her pussy soaked with her desire. His cock throbbed in his jeans, his body unaccustomed to waiting when it needed relief, but he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity to taste every inch of her.
He slid his hands under her delicious ass, cradling her while he buried his face in her pussy, making circles around her clit with his tongue, then drawing it into his mouth and sucking while he fucked her with his fingers.
He let her set the pace, matching his rhythm to the movements of her hips, moving faster as she lost control, grinding on his face as she climbed the peak to her orgasm.
“Oh my god,” she gasped.
He slid another finger inside her and pressed on her G-spot, then felt her fall over the edge.
She cried out into the room, coming hard on his face, her sweet little pussy tightening around his fingers as her body spasmed. He enjoyed every second, lapping at her juices, not wanting it to end.
He didn’t stop until she lay limp and gasping on the bed. His cock was painfully hard, and he stood quickly to rid himself of his jeans and the boxer briefs that now felt three sizes too tight.
She looked up at him with hazy eyes, her gaze raking his body, and he was glad the room was dark. He could explain away the scars on his body, tell her they were from his fights, but he didn’t think he would ever be able to lie to this woman and he didn’t want her to know how ugly his life had been.
He never wanted her to hear another ugly thing again.
Her gaze dropped to his cock and her eyes widened. “Jesus fucking christ.”
He chuckled. “I’m hoping that’s the good kind of jesus fucking christ.”