Page 73 of Ignition Sequence
“Dirk will know where the courtyard is. If anyone stops you, asks you if you’re interested in playing—”
“I’ll say, ‘what do you have in mind?’”
He bared his teeth, and she laughed until he twisted his hand in the waistband of her dress, bringing her right up against hard muscle and a male with eyes as lethal as a sword edge.
“What will you tell them?” The sensual menace had her heart pounding, but not with the desire to get away.
“That I’m here with someone, but thank you. That I have a Dom. And…I only want to be with him. For any of it. I only want to explore this with you, Brick,” she added honestly.
She’d never had an urge to expose her submissive side to Bart. Maybe because some instinct told her he couldn’t understand what a Dom was, and if she gave him an inch to try, he’d take a mile. The difference between a Dom and a dick. She understood Dirk’s comment better now.
Brick put a hand under the skirt, tracing the edge of the silky panties over her buttock. He pressed her closer to him. His cock wasn’t fully erect, but interested enough to be distractingly noticeable.
“This is a safe place with good people,” he told her. “I know you’re capable of taking care of yourself. I’m still going to tell you this. Anything you do or don’t want to do, all you have to do is say “Not interested.’ You don’t have to worry about hurting feelings. You just have to be clear and polite. If your wishes aren’t respected, Mick or one of the DMs will give that asshole a lesson in manners. If I don’t get to him first. Okay?”
When she nodded, he released her, though with a lingering caress. “Go to Lisa and Dirk, and do what I said.”
As she made her way toward the couple, she understood better why Brick had told her what he had. As soon as she was on her own, far more glances came her way. But as new as the environment was to her, nothing felt personally threatening. It was as Lisa had said. It all felt so oddly familiar. She might only have a handful of pictures, but those images had pulled things from deep inside her that knew this world, long before she’d stepped into it.
She glanced back, though she assumed Brick would already be gone, looking for Mick. Instead, he was where she’d left him. No matter his reassurance, he wasn’t going to look for Mick until she was with Dirk and Lisa, who he’d told her to accompany to the courtyard.
He believed in her ability to take care of herself, but it didn’t change his responsibility to care for her. She thought of her father, teaching her the lesson about learning how to build a boat. It wasn’t that she had to turn to Brick for help. It was knowing she could, having absolute faith in that support and backup.
He’d asked her if she wanted to have a taste of what it was to be a sub, to have him act as her Dom tonight, and she’d said yes. That was what he was giving her. Since the moment she’d driven up to his condo, he’d been giving her that. And she’d been responding to it.
It wasn’t a matter of deciding if she wanted to be his submissive. It was a matter of knowing when to acknowledge that it had always been there between them.
Since the first time he’d read her poetry.
Chapter Fifteen
Lisa was delighted. While more reserved, Dirk seemed pleased by Brick’s decision. He guided the two women to the inner courtyard, where Les found Mick had designed another appealing play space.
The central feature was a large concrete pad, embedded with oyster shell. Lights strung between columns on the outer corners provided romantic illumination, while electric torchlight embellished the flared crowns of the columns.
A low wall created by smooth round stones created a perimeter around the pad. The masonry had a smooth bench top, glazed with the same liquid epoxy as the flooring, only in a marble-like gray and white. It made it safe to sit upon without snagging thin and silky clubwear. A stone path several feet wide around the outside of the wall had bistro tables and chairs. People who didn’t want to sit on the wall could have a drink and sit there, watching whatever was happening in the enclosed space. She expected the pad could also be used as a dance floor.
“Fire flogging is best done outside,” Dirk told her. “It requires more room to do safely than the types of fireplay you saw in the building. It’s also a better option for the splatter from spinning the wicks down.”
She wasn’t sure what he meant until she saw Brick laying out items on a table that had probably been brought out by one of Mick’s staff. The items were coming from a black bag she had noted behind his driver’s seat. He did this enough he had his own fireplay tools.
She would have been content merely watching him do this part, but she’d been assigned a task. She was able to accomplish both by having Lisa sit down on the section of the wall directly across the courtyard from where Brick was setting up. Dirk was talking with him, leaving the two women alone together.
Lisa gave her a conspiratorial smile. “Thanks for letting me appreciate the view. Watching Dirk arrange the things he’s going to use in a session with me, a paddle, rope, candles, whatever it is, totally shifts my mind into sub space. That part of me centers and I become like melted wax. If he barely touches me, I’ll go off.”
She had a comfortable and robust laugh. “Actually, that can happen even if he blindfolds me and won’t let me watch. Listening to him prepare, the anticipation, can do it.”
Brick had that power, too, making Les even more at ease with the woman. Lisa had retrieved her brush from the changing room lockers for Les to use. As Les stroked the bristles through the woman’s thick hair, the gray-white strands mixed in the brown giving it that dun look, she watched Brick prepare.
The flogger he laid out had long white strips. The “wicks” Dirk had referenced, she guessed. The wooden handle was painted black, with a red and gold emblem on it. When he handed it to Dirk to examine, Les saw a pair of crossed axes against a spurt of flame. Beneath that, in a font legible even from this side of the courtyard, she read “Fire Man.”
Dirk hadn’t said “Fireman.” It was a play on words, a nod toward Brick’s profession and his interest in fireplay.
She thought of the George Strait song, “Fireman,” and its lyrics. They worked for Brick. As did Alan Jackson’s tune, “Country Boy.” Sexy lyrics delivered in sexy Southern male voices.
“Are you nervous?” As she asked the question, she started threading pieces of Lisa’s hair into the French braid.
“Yeah. But it’s closer to anticipation. We’ve known Brick a while. Things can go wrong in any scene that involves edge play, but that’s why Dirk chose him. Brick does everything he can to prepare for that. No one in the world works harder to keep me happy and safe than my Master, but when you’re under Brick’s care, he comes in a close second.”