Page 24 of The Consigliere
I rummage inside, but the fact it’s empty tells me the bastard stole it. Now I have nothing but a Chanel lipstick and the clothes I’m wearing to my name.
As the car heads off, following the two in front, I picture that bastard chatting with his friend. How dare he almost kidnap me and force me into marriage? What’s he playing at? He knows I’m about to be engaged to Jefferson.
As we speed through Vegas, I try to get my breathing under control. I’m panicking and that’s never a good thing. Surely my parents don’t know this is happening. If anything, it would finish my mother off watching her daughter marry into the mafia. It’s obvious what he is, what they are, and now I will be too. From billionaire princess to mafia bride all in a morning.
We reach a chapel, and my nerves threaten to explode and end my life because I half hoped he was kidding. The fact I only half hoped it shows me what a nut job I am because there is still half of me that can’t wait. Why can’t I wait to be chained to a pig? A controlling, dominant, seriously sexy and devilishly handsome dark prince. Yes, that’s the formula every fairy tale uses—for the fucking bad guy!
Since when did Cinderella marry the bad guy? This is one twisted fairy tale I’m living and it’s obvious I’m going slightly mad even comparing it to that.
I’m having a full-blown panic attack when the door opens and his friend holds out his hand and says darkly, “Your cooperation would be appreciated.”
He shifts, so his jacket falls open revealing his gun, telling me this is one shotgun wedding that is everything it says on the tin.
As I step outside, I notice a woman standing nearby, holding a bundle of fabric. As I straighten up, she steps forward and smiles. “Arms up, honey.”
“Now.” The dark assassin beside me growls and, in a frantic moment of surrender, I reach for the heavens, allowing her to slip a full-blown wedding dress over my head.
As the fabric falls, she thrusts a bouquet into my trembling hands and steps back, peering with curiosity at the circus unfolding before her eyes.
I watch as she beckons another girl forward, who hands her a bouquet, and they step behind me as the strangest bridesmaids.
“Relax.” Matteo’s assistant says almost kindly and takes my arm in his as he guides me through the church door.
The music starts to play and as we move down the aisle, I almost want to giggle at the spectacle inside as I witness the hordes of men in black, squashed into seats on either side of the aisle.
As I reach the bastard waiting for me, I purposefully don’t look at him and stare straight ahead at the ‘priest’ who could be just about anyone.
As he begins to recite the marriage vows, I am conscious of the man beside me, and I swear I couldn’t hate anyone more than I do him right now.
“Repeat after me…”
We say our vows after the priest and my voice resembles a ball of tightly controlled fury, telling everyone present I am not happy about this.
As Matteo slips a ring on my finger, I am momentarily stunned at the sheer size of the diamond glistening before my eyes. A simple gold band accompanies it and as I ram a matching one down on his finger hard, hoping it hurts like crazy, I hear the words I’ve been dreading.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”
A strong hand snakes around my waist and before I can react, his fingers grasp my chin and force my lips to his. As his tongue reaches inside and dominates mine, I am conscious of only one thing. The desire running like a river of betrayal between my legs because, despite my hatred, this man turns my light on every fucking time.
Ilove it when a plan comes together and now Abigail’s my wife, there is nothing Mario can do about it. He’ll have to kill me first, which I’m positive is his intention, anyway.
When I saw Abigail walking down the aisle, refusing to even acknowledge me, it made me hard.
She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met and certainly out of my league. There is such a high wall she crouches behind, and yet last night I saw what’s hiding there. She is passionate and strong and capable of more than she gives herself credit for and now it will be my pleasure to educate her in what that involves.
So, I kiss her with a hunger that’s been building since last night because ever since I sampled perfection, I am determined to make it mine.
My plans for my wife include total domination and for my plan to work when we meet Mario, she needs to be devoted to me. So, I’m keen to begin her lessons on that and as I tear myself away, I love the lust-filled eyes and slightly crazed look on her face as she gasps for air.
“Congratulations, boss.”
“Thank you, Cesare.”