Page 38 of The Consigliere
My arms wrap around the soft body of the woman who surprises me more every minute I spend with her, and my heart pounds at the thought of never experiencing her. Never experiencingthis.
I’ve had sex countless times, and domination is my preferred method. Not this sweet loving that tells me I’ve missed something amazing, though picturing anyone else in her place fills me with distaste. It’s Abi. She’s the only one who matters now, and it amuses me how quickly things change.
She lifts her head and stares straight into my eyes and smiles. “Thank you.”
I stroke her cheek softly. “It was my pleasure.”
She giggles, and it makes me smile and she whispers, “That was the best one yet.”
“It was.”
She springs forward and kisses me slowly and as her tongue edges inside, my heart feels for once in its miserable life. She is everything I never knew I wanted and everything I will die to protect. I want to capture this emotion and hold it in an iron grip because now I’ve had one taste, I’m addicted.
She presses against me and says sexily, “Can we do that again?”
I laugh softly. “Of course. I insist on it, but first we have business to attend to.”
She looks worried. “What business?”
Pulling her up to a sitting position, I wrap my arms around her and say with a sigh. “I told your father I required your assistance for charity work. Tonight, there is a gala at Madison Square Garden, and we’re expected to attend.”
“But…” she makes to protest, and I place my finger on her lips, effectively silencing her.
“We need to play the game. You accompany me, and we’ll be photographed and all over the internet by morning. Your parents will see that you’re ok and the whole of Washington will accept your internship.”
“But what if word gets out that we’re married?”
I wink and say with a chuckle. “That’s what I’m counting on.”
I pull her up before she can question me and as we walk through the terrace naked and dirty, I congratulate myself on my quick thinking of making her my bride.
We shower together and more than anything I wish we had time for round two and three, but time is against us.
“What will I wear?” Abigail says as she watches me toweling off before the vanity unit.
“I’ve had a few dresses delivered. One of them should fit.”
“I have a closet full of dresses in my father’s apartment. We could go over there and select one.”
“No time.” I shrug as I flick a comb through my hair and say roughly, “You’ll find what you need in the closet next to mine. You have twenty minutes.”
She makes to argue, and I growl menacingly, “Unless you want me to punish you, I’d get a move on.”
It makes me smile at the lust in her voice as she whispers, “Punish me?”
“Trust me, it won’t be pleasant. So do as I say.”
She lingers a little, causing me to sigh and say darkly, “If you don’t want my belt on your ass, you’ll move now.”
She scrambles for the door, and I grin when she says as a parting shot, “And you call that a punishment.”
As the door closes, I laugh to myself. How did I get so lucky?
As I dress, I think about the evening ahead. It was planned before my wedding. The usual charity shit I must do to remain respectable in a city that is anything but. To show my face and mix with New York’s elite, dealing with the shit they shovel as part of their working day. Men want to strike deals with me to assure them of my protection, and their wives and girlfriends want to fuck me.
What can I say? Women seem to love a bad guy and I’m worse than most.
As I pull on my customary black suit and splash some aftershave, I have an interest in the evening ahead that isn’t normally there. There is so much still to play for, and I wonder if I’m expecting too much of my wife. For a moment, I savor the sound of that word.