Page 54 of The Consigliere
I still can’t work out if this is a trap and tread carefully. “The house. Can you get us inside?”
“Of course.”
She smiles. “I have access to everything. Mario trusts me and I would have done anything he asked. I always have, but he betrayed me.”
Her eyes flash and a corner of her mask slips, revealing the bitter, cruel woman who lives inside an outer packaging of innocence and vulnerability.
It’s obvious she has a burning hatred for Abigail, something that obviously never left her. I’m guessing this is the reason for her visit. Not out of concern for anything he’s done to her, out of her love for a man who wants someone else, and now I understand. Mario has made the fundamental mistake of betraying Diana for another woman and that makes me feel a lot better because now I know she will do anything to get him back and wants me to remove the woman currently beside him, permanently.
* * *
It doesn’t takeus long and we are soon on my private jet heading to Boston. Diana sits for most of the flight, staring out of the window or answering Cesare’s questions about the security measures and agreeing to our plan to get inside.
If anything, she appears excited, which shows how twisted she is. There is still something advising me to proceed with caution though and so I make certain to dash out a text to my brothers informing them of current developments.
When we land, a message flashes up from my brother Leonardo that doesn’t make me feel any better.
Mario’s house in Boston is an old mansion built in the seventies. The current plans on file show it’s built over several floors and has been modified to include a basement. The plans reveal a series of tunnels that lead down to the lake. Aerial shots show a boat house where the tunnel ends. It could be the perfect way in, but you would need to deal with any cameras that could be hidden. You would either walk into an ambush or hold the element of surprise.
I forward it to Cesare, who studies it hard, a look of concentration on his face as another text comes through.
I did some more digging on The Dark Lords and intel suggests they are active in Boston. I’m guessing Mario has some powerful friends there, so be prepared for that. Domenico is digging for information and will send anything relevant. Stay safe, brother, we’ve got your back.
I send a brief message of thanks and lean back in my seat and regard Diana through doubting eyes. This is all too easy, which tells me she’s playing us. Why would Diana offer Mario as a sacrifice? It doesn’t make sense after everything they’ve been through.
According to Dom’s woman, Flora, Diana is in love with Mario and has always been infatuated by him, so I decide to do a little more digging before we leave the aircraft.
“What is Mario’s plan concerning Abigail?”
“He wants to marry her.”
She fixes me with a direct look and what I see in her eyes disturbs me—a lot.
“He’s too late for that.” I say roughly and she throws her head back and laughs. “Then you’re a fool for believing you can stop him.”
I freeze inside as she grins, the hatred flashing from her baby blue eyes. “It was always going to happen one way or another.”
“But she was engaged to Jefferson Stevenson.”
I’m so confused and Diana shrugs. “That would never have gone ahead, you see...” She leans forward and hisses, “Mario was never going to allow that to happen. He didn’t count on you stepping in and sweeping his bride down the aisle first, though. He wasn’t prepared for that.”
“So now he’s lost.” I test the water carefully and Diana shakes her head. “Mario never loses. Ask yourself why we were at that Gala? Why Jefferson was at that Gala and why your bride never left with you?” She grins. “Mario planned it all and now he has what he wanted all along.”
The bitterness in her expression disturbs me more than I’d care to admit. It tells me she’s unhappy about Mario’s infatuation with Abigail and that makes me fear for Abi’s life. Diana is an unstable element that is likely to explode at any moment and I’m just grateful I have her in my sights because at least there, I can keep an eye on her.
I lean forward and say darkly, “I’ll ask you again. What is Mario plan for Abigail?”
“She will marry him or die. It’s simple. Honor the agreement drawn up by their fathers or be sacrificed to the Dark Lords. She has no choice; she’s screwed either way.”
“Sacrificed.” I peer across at Cesare, who looks concerned. “What is this shit?”
I remember Domenico telling us what Flora went through and knowing Abigail is facing the same torment fills me with pain.
“That’s why I’m helping you.” Diana says sadly.