Page 61 of The Consigliere
“Remember I am Giovanni’s heir. It will be announced at the will reading in a matter of days. He told you so himself, and I am Don Ortega.”
“How is that respectable, Mario?” I act confused. “Washington’s finest won’t allow a mafia boss in the heart of their inner circle. How is that your plan for supremacy?”
Mario laughs out loud as if I’ve said the funniest thing ever and then sneers, “Because they are as corrupt as I am. The Dark Lords is an organization that stretches to the highest office in the land. We look after our own, and that’s why Jared Kensington gifted his daughter to me when she was sixteen. Jefferson stepped in and stole her from me, but you did me the biggest favor when you set him up. There was no other option but to honor the agreement our fathers made all those years ago and she became mine by default.”
“But she didn’t, Mario, because she married me.” I shake my head and he grins.
“That is being annulled by Judge Stevenson as we speak.”
Mario laughs out loud. “You see, a low life mafia wannabee has no power over the Dark Lords. If you kill me now, you won’t be far behind me into hell.”
I nod to Cesare who wraps the whip around Mario’s neck and ties it into a noose and before Mario can react, he nods to two nearby soldiers who pull him roughly up as Cesare flings the end of the whip around a beam, tightening it so Mario swings high in the air.
He struggles as he grips the whip, loosening it enough to give him some air, and he roars, “You don’t know who you are dealing with.”
I growl, “I’m dealing with a dead man. A suicidal, sexually depraved man whose perverted games failed miserably. Just imagine the humiliation that will bring to your family, Mario. Plastered across the internet as the sexual deviant you are. Death by hanging in his own sex dungeon when his shameful game went wrong.”
Mario struggles, his legs kicking in mid-air as Cesare pulls harder on the end of the whip and as we watch the thrashing naked body, fighting for his miserable life, I believe that every person in the room is enjoying watching the life drain from his wicked body.
It doesn’t take long before his gurgled last gasp echoes around the room and as his body goes slack, a tidal wave of relief hits me as every single person here rejoices in his death.
Then it strikes me that one person is missing from this party and as I look around me, I growl, “Where the fuck is my stepmother?”
For a moment there is silence before the room erupts into chaos as the soldiers spill in every direction, searching for the woman who is now Matteo’s most wanted.
I stiffen as it all comes back to bite me, wondering if Matteo is desperate to have her back by his side where she belongs.
I move across to stand beside a shivering Stephanie and reach for her hand, both of us clutching the dark robes against our naked bodies as we shiver with a mixture of fear and the cold.
“Thank you.” I whisper as we watch the scene unfold before us, both of us staring at the now limp body of a dictator.
“I’m glad he’s dead.” She hisses and I nod.
We say no more because Matteo and Cesare appear before us and simultaneously tug us into their arms, the chaos surrounding us as they protect us in the eyes of the storm.
“I love you, princess.”
I’m not sure I heard him correctly and must stiffen because he pulls back and stares deep into my eyes, the love shining from his causing my breath to hitch.
“I love you.” He whispers against my mouth and the tears release from their frozen prison and stream down my face.
He wipes them away with his finger and says gruffly, “I thought I’d lost you.”
“Same.” I gulp and, as his lips swallow my words, I kiss him with a mixture of relief and desperation.
He holds me close and kisses me so sweetly any chill inside me is turned to molten heat from his touch alone.
It’s almost as if we are alone in a breaking storm and I want this moment to last forever.
As we break apart, I whisper, “I love you too.”
For a second, we stare into one another’s eyes and make a promise no man will ever break.