Page 68 of The Consigliere
She wastes no time and picks up the phone and dials a number and her voice shakes as she whispers, “Jefferson.”
I point to the phone, and she places it on speaker, and I hear the pathetic whining of the man I want to kill with my bare hands.
“Fuck, Clarice, what’s happening? Mario’s not answering his phone and you’ve gone missing. Nobody is answering at the house and I’m going out of my mind.”
“I have news.” She says in a soft whisper.
“I can’t talk on the phone, though. You must meet me at my father’s apartment.”
“Fuck, Clarice. I don’t like this. Can’t you just tell me now?”
“No!” she yells, the panic real in her voice. “Please, Jefferson.” She sobs into the phone. “I need you.”
There’s a tense silence before he says with a heavy sigh.
“I’ll be there in ten.”
He cuts the call and I nod to Cesare, who wastes no time in gripping Clarice hard and pulling her hands behind her back.
“What the–” she screams as he slaps tape over her mouth and binds her wrists behind her back, before doing the same to her feet.
She stares at me with fear as I nod, and he forces her into a chair and ties her to it so she can’t move or speak.
As soon as she’s secured, we take up our positions behind the door and wait silently for the bastard to arrive.
True to his word, the elevator opens inside of ten minutes and as soon as he steps into the apartment, Clarice is the first thing he sees.
His shocked “Fuck!” barely leaves his lips before he turns to run, and we step in his way, and I growl. “Hello, Jefferson.”
Cesare wastes no time and punches him square in the jaw and as he stumbles, roughly cuffs his hands and forces him down onto the couch, facing Clarice, before pressing his gun to his head.
The fact Jefferson pisses himself doesn’t go unnoticed, and I stare at him with disgust as I sit astride a chair in the center of the room.
“I want information.”
Jefferson stutters, “I don’t–” Cesare strikes him hard against the head and busts his nose, the blood spurting down his face, his agonized scream telling me it hurts like hell.
“Who is Mario’s father?”
Jefferson starts to shake, and the sound of Clarice sobbing is the sweetest sound.
“I don’t know his name.”
“Then tell me about Sam Bachini. What’s the relationship with your father?”
Jefferson stutters, “They were friends at college. There were three of them. My father, Jared and Sam.”
“Tell me about their connection and don’t hold anything back.”
Jefferson nods, accepting it’s the best way out of an impossible situation.
“They help each other out. My father is close to Jared, but they tried to distance themselves from Sam.”
“Because he’s a criminal. My father’s a Judge and Jared is a respectable businessman. Sam Bachini brings more heat than the desert and they didn’t want to be associated with him.”
That would explain why Abigail only met them once, which confuses me a little.