Page 31 of The Don
“You seem to know a lot about Carlos Matasso and his emotions, Diana. Is there something you’re not telling me?”
I growl, staring at her hard and for a moment she appears startled before she closes her eyes and adjusts her expression.
“I was fucking his son. I know everything about that family.”
“Another one.” I shake my head with amusement. “Is there nobody you wouldn’t fuck to get ahead, Diana? Tell me, who’s next? The president perhaps, or is there some other poor unfortunate soul who has attracted your attention?”
She pouts petulantly. “You have every right to be angry, Leo, but you have overlooked the fact I’m as much a victim as you are.”
I want to laugh out loud but instead say coolly, “Because…”
“Because Giselle Matasso murdered my mother, and I know you understand how that feels.”
Once again, she reminds me of my past and uses it against me and it takes all my inner strength to remain impassive and instead merely nod. “I do.”
Encouraged by my acceptance, she says sadly, “I heard fighting and recognized my mother’s voice. She was crying, and I wanted to help her. When I slid into the room, I saw Carlos punch her in the stomach and I ran to help her, screaming at him to leave her alone.”
Her eyes fill with tears as she whispers, “He just laughed and grabbed hold of me, and mom screamed at him to leave me alone, but he told her to meet her replacement. I didn’t know what was going on and he forced me to the ground and…” she blinks back false tears as she whispers, “he raped me while my mother watched.”
The tears flow down her cheeks as she sobs, “I managed to get away and ran from the room as my mom screamed at me, calling me a bitch and I deserved it. I couldn’t understand what had happened and ran straight into Giselle Matasso. She made me tell her and then said in the coldest voice to run and tell my father. Then, before I even made it to the servant’s staircase a shot rang out.”
Her shoulders heave as she whispers, “My father came running, and I told him what had happened, and he instructed me to go and wait with Flora. The next thing we were bundled into a car and that was the last I saw of them. We went to live with our grandmother, who was mean and controlling so it was business as usual I guess.”
She rubs the tears from her eyes and whispers, “She died not long afterward, and we went to live with the Bachinis. They adopted us and then my nightmare really began.”
“Go on.”
I’m mildly interested but believe nothing that comes out of this woman’s mouth and watch as she reaches for the glass and drains it in one go, before saying roughly, “Mario was no better than his father and I mean, Carlos. I fell in love with him because he had such charisma and was so strong. I needed a man like that in my life and I fell hard. I played along with his sick games because I loved him. Was blinded by him and lost all reasoning. I followed him everywhere and did what he told me because I truly believed he loved me.”
She wipes the tears from her eyes and says in a small voice.
“He told me about the Ortega Mafia. That Giovanni had killed his wife and was looking for a replacement. He set up a meeting where your father would be, and I played my part.” She glances at my father’s portrait and hisses. “It was easy. He couldn’t get enough of me. He was so old, though.” She shivers. “Old and cruel, and he reminded me of Carlos Matasso. I hated every minute of my time with him, which is why I sought comfort in the arms of his sons.”
“Ah, yes. Comfort. Do you really expect me to believe that?” I say with a voice devoid of expression, and she snaps. “It’s the truth. I had been used for so long I was intoxicated by the love I received from each one of you. I couldn’t get enough of it and then your father found out, and I had to protect myself.”
She stares at me defiantly. “I wasn’t going to be another tick on his kill sheet, so I did what I must to survive. Mario was increasing the pressure on me, so, as usual, I played his game. The three of you were safe from them and I was happy that you all set up new lives away from the heat. Mario moved in and gained your father’s trust with the sole aim of being named as his beneficiary in his will. The fact he was taken before we were ready was a mild inconvenience, but one I celebrated all the same.”
I lean forward. “Why did Mario want The Ortega Mafia?”
“For power. To challenge his father and prove he was worthy.”
I settle back in my seat and stare at her with a blank expression. Her story doesn’t add up and as she’s already proved she’s a good actress so I don’t believe a word of it. I keep it to myself because the last thing I need is to alert her to the fact I already know what’s in my father’s will, so I shrug and stand, staring at her with derision.
“Then I wonder what will happen when my father’s will is read? With Mario out of the running, I’m guessing there’s a vacancy at the top, unless…” I pause for effect. “Unless my father decided blood was thicker than water after all and decided not to fall for your tricks. Perhaps he never got around to changing his wishes and it will have all been for nothing. So, my question is, why are you telling me this?”
The way she quickly disguises a triumphant smile tells me everything I need to know. Diana already knows what is in that will and is hedging her bets should it all go to shit.
She fixes her expression to an innocent one and says with a determined gleam in her eye. “Because I want to revenge my mother’s death and I want to make the man responsible pay. I want to help you bring Carlos down, and I will do whatever it takes to help you.”
I pretend to accept her lies with a nod to make her think I believe her.
Do I believe she’s a victim? The hell I do, but at least she has sharpened a few of the blurred lines and now I know what I’m dealing with and it’s not the messenger who looks at me at me with hope in her eyes. It’s the man who has been pulling her strings for many years now and the man who is my most wanted. Carlos Matasso.
The next morning, I wake up alone, making me wonder if Leo came to bed at all last night. It feels cold but the pillows are dented, and the sheets creased, telling me I wasn’t alone last night.