Page 34 of The Don
I made my decision in a heartbeat and if she is of the opinion this ring is merely for show, she’s got another thing coming. I will buy Chastity an engagement ring today on the condition a wedding band follows soon after. I won’t let her go and I will not put her in front of that bastard who killed her parents for pocket change. I’ll gladly accept that honor myself.
When I came back to the room last night, it was obvious she was hurting, and I was surprised at how that made me feel. I wanted to wake her and demand an explanation. Seeing her in pain was hurting me too, and it took all my strength to leave her to sleep. She doesn’t realize it, but I held her last night while she thrashed around and cried out, too deep in sleep to register it.
When she calmed down, and the nightmare passed, I left her to heal, and my thoughts returned to the threat we are facing.
Diana’s story didn’t add up and as soon as Dom and Flora arrive, I intend on comparing Flora’s version of events with her sister’s.
Then there’s the reason I discovered who Chastity really is. Was that a coincidence, a lucky break, or did someone set a trap that I fell right into? Ryan came to me with the information, which is why I need to backtrack and find where the trail started. I never questioned him then, but I am now and so as Chastity showers and changes, I head off to find him.
* * *
“Boss.”He is sitting on the terrace in the early morning sun and as I take the seat beside him, I waste no time.
“Who told you that Chastity had an agenda with Matasso?”
He looks thoughtful.
“One of the soldiers. I believe it was Grady.”
“Find him.”
Ryan throws me a questioning glance but heads off and soon returns with Grady, who appears a little edgy.
“Boss.” He stands uncomfortably, and I wave toward the seat on my other side.
He does as I say, but I can tell he’s nervous.
“How did you find out about Chastity and her, um, connection to Carlos Matasso?”
Grady looks worried. “One of your brother’s soldiers told me when you met up with them a short while ago.”
I cast my mind back to the day we all met up after Mario was murdered by Matteo and I say quickly, “Which one?”
“I believe his name was Jonny.”
“What did he tell you, andwhydid he tell you?”
I need answers, and fast because Diana and Chastity could arrive at any moment, and Grady says with concern. “We were discussing what happened, and the guys were talking about Mario being Carlos Matasso’s son. They were fearful of recriminations and there was a lot of talk, and this guy told us that there was one woman who would be the perfect person to carry out a hit on him. He told us about Miss. Blake and said she would probably do it for free because Matasso had murdered her parents and she was out for revenge. The guys dismissed it and laughed, but I told Ryan in case it could help.”
Ryan throws me a glance and I nod, reading his mind as I always do, and I say to Grady, “Thanks. You did good.”
Ryan stands and Grady follows just as Diana heads our way, a vision in a pale pink sundress and as the men leave, she slides in next to me and smiles as if she is the most innocent princess in the world.
“Morning, darling. I hope you slept well in your old room. It must be so nice coming home after all this time.”
I completely ignore her because Chastity emerges from the house, and I smile as she heads our way and stand up to hold out the chair on my other side. Brushing my lips against hers, I whisper, “You look good enough to eat,” causing her to blush as she takes the seat and reaches for the jug of juice.
“Good morning.” She nods to Diana, who narrows her eyes before saying brightly, “Did you tell Leo we would be shopping today?”
Before she can reply, I say quickly, “Change of plan. Chastity is coming with me. We have important business to attend to.”
I watch Diana closely for a reaction and am rewarded with a startled expression before she quickly diffuses it, telling me she had an ulterior motive for the invitation in the first place.
“Oh, that’s a shame. I was so looking forward to some female company for once.”
“Maybe your sister will oblige.” I throw a verbal bomb into the conversation and Diana says in shock, “Flora! What are you talking about?”