Page 23 of Brutal Sinner
Ihave never experienced pain like this. Somehow, I walked away from her. The woman who betrayed me. Ran away rather than face me with her secret and thought it better to be away from me than to face it together. It hurts like crazy, but feelings don’t die easy and when I saw her again, every single fucking reason why I love this woman so hard came back with a vengeance. I will kill for Faith and I’m planning how to make it long, slow, and painful. That bastard ruined my life; is about to ruin Faith’s life, but sure as I live and breathe, will not ruin my fucking daughter’s life.
My daughter.
That word shocked me into being a man. I haven’t even met her yet, but I already love her unconditionally. How could I not? She is formed from two people who explode worlds and after seeing Faith again, she is so deep inside my soul she will never escape. She ismywoman, and I am her man. It was obvious from the moment I met her and despite everything, that feeling is still there standing in full sight, telling me I must do right by her.
I am angry, so fucking angry with her, the reverend and this fucking town. I want to burn it up in my anger and tear it down, but only one thing is stopping me. My daughter. Hope.
Such a pretty name for an undoubtedly pretty girl. An innocent born into madness and where I intend on taking them isn’t much better. I don’t live a normal life. I never did, but if Faith believes I’m leaving them behind, then she’s got another fucking thing coming.
* * *
I head backto the cabin to plan my revenge, and it’s burning me up inside. My fury is intense, and I want to smash something so badly. Anything but give into the pain of knowing my family is under siege. It goes against everything I’ve trained for to leave her behind, but that bastard mustn’t know because the fate of my daughter is in his sadistic hands.
I pace the cabin floor, my mind veering out of control as I think up ways to kill the evil reverend. I’m not in control of my sanity right now and it’s only when I catch sight of my reflection in the window, I remember who I am.
I am better than this.
I’m a trained operative with a sharp set of skills that will help me. Second to that, and probably even more important, I am not alone.
I reach for my cell and make the call, knowing I can rely on my brothers for help.
Ryder answers immediately.
“What’s the matter? Missing us already?”
His low chuckle changes as I snap.
“I need your help.”
“Go on.”
His tone changes to bastard, which is exactly what I need, and I growl, “Turns out I have a daughter.”
I stop because just saying that causes a sharp pain in my heart, knowing I’ve never even met her and she’s in danger.
“Congratulations, Jonny.”
Ryder’s tone softens as he calls me by my real name for a change, and if anyone knows how I’m feeling now, it’s the man who has a daughter of his own.
“She’s been taken.”
The silence on the other end tells me he’s listening, and I snap, “Reverend Peters has hidden her somewhere and locked her mother in a room that is more like a prison. She is to marry him in a few days’ time, and only then will he return our daughter if she passes some kind of fucked-up test.”
“Fuck. I hate that shit.”
Ryder growls because, like every Reaper in the compound, he hates anything to do with hurting women or children.
“I need to find out where she is before I rescue her mother. He can’t know we’re onto him because he could move Hope and we’d never see her again, or worse.”
My voice catches and I’m surprised when Ryder’s tone softens and he whispers,“That’s a pretty name, soldier.”
“It is.”
My voice cracks and he says in a harder voice,“Then remember your training. She needs a strong daddy now, and we must wrap this up quickly.”