Page 30 of Brutal Sinner
She looks so proud of her detective work it makes me like her even more and I share an amused grin with Arthur, who holds his hands up.
“She got me. She slipped me a note telling me she discovered what I was doing and told me to bring her here before her parents woke up. We don’t have long.”
“So, tell me what you need me to hear, darlin’.” I smile and she blushes a little and whispers as if she can be overheard. “The wedding is today.”
Arthur glances at me with a worried frown and I say quickly, “I thought it was in two days’ time.”
“I heard my father talking to my mother. He told her the reverend has decided to bring it forward because he has important work to do, and it can’t wait any longer.”
“And you’re sure it’s today?”
She nods. “Yes.”
She bites her bottom lip and whispers, “Please, Jonny. You must stop it.”
I consider my words carefully and say, “My daughter.”
Her eyes widen and I fix her with a hard stare. “Do you know where she is?”
I’m not even surprised when she nods, “With Miss. Hughes’ sister in Brindley Ridge.”
I am mad at myself for not thinking about Purity earlier. She appears to make it her business to know about everything, and her eyes widen as she says, “I have a plan.”
This time I do laugh and Arthur stares with amusement as she snaps, “Don’t underestimate me, Jonny Santos. I’m tougher than you think. The reason I haven’t told you is because Faith swore me to secrecy. How was I to know she told you about Hope?”
I must admire her loyalty and say quickly, “What’s your plan?”
She takes a deep breath.
“Mr. Gaston will take me to Miss. Hughes’ house, and we will tell her that the Reverend wants the baby back. She must be at the wedding and if she refuses, we will go to the cops and report her for kidnapping.”
“That’s your plan. But what about your parents? They will learn you are missing when they head to the wedding?”
“That is where the second part of my plan comes in. You rescue Faith from the Church and come and meet us in Brindley Ridge. Mr. Gaston will return home and I will head to Chicago.”
“Why Chicago?” I’m amazed she even knows of its existence, and she says with determination. “I have business there.”
Arthur appears as amazed as I am, and she nods with a resolve that tells me I did indeed underestimate Purity Sanders.
“Mybusiness, Jonny. I only need the means to get there.”
She says quickly as we hesitate. “We don’t have long. We must leave now before I’m reported missing. Mr. Gaston needs to be at the service, or they will know he had a hand in this.”
“And you can deal with Rosemary alone?”
I’m doubtful and Purity grins. “I can deal with her. I’m not just a pretty face, Jonny. There’s not a lot to do in Heaven but pray and sharpen your skills and Jed Turner has been teaching me to fight since I was six years old.”
“Well, I’ll be.” Arthur bursts out laughing. “Jed Turner is much like you were, Jonny. That doesn’t surprise me in the least.”
Once again, I stare at the pretty blonde with doe eyes and porcelain skin in a new light. Who am I to deny her freedom, especially when she is risking everything to help her closest friend?
So, I nod. “It’s a good plan. Don’t fuck it up. Wait until we get there before approaching Rosemary. Keep her under observation, but I repeat, do not deal with this yourself. There is too much riding on it.”
She nods, but I see a little of the light dim in her eyes.
As they make to leave, she turns and, to my surprise, throws her arms around me and hugs me tightly, whispering, “Look after Faith, Jonny. She loves you and what she did was a result of that.”