Page 33 of Brutal Sinner
Now we are staked out around the church, Albert’s warning noted loud and clear. We can’t take any chances if the townsfolk are carrying and only a fool would march into a hostile environment with no backup.
However, when I saw Mr. Monroe strike his own daughter, I was half on my feet before Ryder ordered me to remain calm.
“Easy for you to say.” I growl, hating that he’s right and he whispers, “You’ll get your revenge on him, but it must be the right time.”
I know he’s right, as always, and as I catch the expression on the man to my right’s face, I’m comforted knowing they hate this shit just as much as I do. Snake has always been Ryder’s second in command. In the military and when he formed The Twisted Reapers MC. The cobra tattoo he wears on his arm is a sign of bravery every one of the Reapers share and as we lie in wait for battle, I am comforted knowing I have their support.
Most of the team are here with me, as well as a group sent to Brindley Ridge to secure my daughter. The remaining soldiers stay at the compound, protecting our home and all who live there. Like this town, we are a curious community living a life that many don’t understand. Shrouded in secrecy and operating outside the law. The perfect people to bring down a tyrant and our work never hits the news. We are untraceable, unpunishable, and operating with the blessing of our fine government. No, Reverend Peters is about to discover just what happens when you go against the constitution, because he will not escape this time.
The music begins and I watch with growing anger as Faith is dragged kicking and screaming into the white wooden church.
As soon as the doors close, Ryder holds up his hand and starts the countdown.
I hear her cries above the music, and I swear every nerve I possess is screaming at me right now.
It’s an interminable wait before he brings down his hand and one by one, in a pre-arranged order, we move on command, circling the church like a deadly virus, ready to deliver the inhabitants of this small town into an early grave. If they fight back, that is.
The plan is to cut out the cancer destroying it and then let the authorities move in to clean up after him. They will drag this town into the modern world, whether they like it or not. Cops, rules, and technology will move in and restore order to a place that doesn’t even know what that is. Counselors to un-indoctrinate the inhabitants and courts to punish the guilty.
But first we have our fun.
Once the Reapers have surrounded the church, the rest stand behind me, waiting for the show to begin.
Snake whispers at my shoulder, “I’ve always wanted to storm a wedding and rescue a bride. This is a tick off my bucket list.”
Ryder rolls his eyes as I growl, “Glad to be of service.”
We listen to Reverend Peters yelling his usual shit, and then as he starts reciting the wedding service, Ryder says roughly, “The stage is yours, soldier. Have fun with this.”
I waste no time and with one swift kick of my boot, the door crashes open and a sea of shocked faces turn to stare at me, as I stride into that church and say loudly, “Take your fucking hands off her.”
The wave of disapproval hits me as I stare with rage at the men holding Faith, who turn and as their hands drop, she rips the veil from her head and starts running.
“STOP!” The reverend screams but as she falls into my arms, there is no man present who would dare stand up against me as, one by one, I am surrounded by a wall of muscle, ink, and menace as my brothers file in behind me.
When I see the bruises on Faith’s face, it physically hurts and bending down, I whisper, “He will pay for what he’s done to you.”
Her eyes fill with tears, and she whispers, “But what about Hope?”
“She’s fine. The rest of my club is guarding her.”
She collapses with relief against my chest as Reverend Peters starts clapping loudly, causing us all to turn and stare.
“Well, if it isn’t hell paying us a visit. You know what to do, men.”
I catch Albert’s face as he stares at me with resignation as the men of the town reach for their guns at the same time as the Reapers pull machine guns out from behind their backs.
I quickly pull Faith behind me, and she is instantly shielded by a wall of Reapers, and I aim my own gun straight at the reverend’s head and snarl, “Do you want a shoot-out in your church, reverend because guess what, our weapons are bigger than yours.”
As I speak, Snake tosses a grenade down the aisle, more to prove a point than anything, and I yell, “Run!”
It’s almost amusing to watch the mad panic that follows as the people of Heaven run for their lives. We step to one side as they stampede to the door and completely ignore the reverend who screams at them to stop. Snake takes Faith, accompanied by Flash, and I am assured of her safety as I face the reverend with Ryder by my side.
The grenade stares up at us with impudence because nobody knew it would never go off. A dummy run before the main event but it had the desired result, leaving the two of us and Reverend Peters, who suddenly doesn’t look so confident anymore.
As I move toward him, he starts praying. Uttering jumbled words as he clutches his hands together and prays to the cross on the wall.
Words like, ‘deliver me from evil’ and ‘spare my soul’ hit me and then, as I almost reach him, he draws a gun from inside his jacket and fires.