Page 112 of Agony to Ashes (Lost Kings MC)
Like a burglar breaking into a diamond vault, Z slips out of his chair and moves closer to Rock. Wrath stands and motions for Z to take his chair. I only notice the seating switch because I’m keeping my eye on my New York brothers.
Z leans over and whispers something in Rock’s ear. Whatever it is casts a dark shadow over Rock’s expression. Z leans in again and Rock shakes his head.
Ice probably didn’t appreciate Niner mentioning his charter either. He studies our national VP with narrowed eyes for a few seconds. “To be fair, and I think I can speak for Rock and Z here as well, the legal entanglements our charters have faced were nowhere near as catastrophic as Washington’s.”
Jesus Christ. I have to swallow the laughter threatening to explode out of me.
“But it’s why we pay our dues,” Ice adds with a thin veneer of diplomacy. “To help out our less prosperous brothers in times of need. In the best interest of the whole organization.”
Pony frowns at Ice, like he’s pretty sure he’s been insulted, but can’t quite figure out the how or why.
No wonder Ice has been president of our Virginia charter for so long. Brother knows how to cut off your legs before you even feel the blade slicing into your flesh.
Across the table from me, Jigsaw mashes his lips together and stares at his lap. It’s probably killing him not to bust out a snarky comment right now. I’m impressed with his restraint.
“Everyone knows bringing reality TV to our club is a bad fuckin’ idea,” Pony says. “Anyone see those interviews Priest’s been doing? Making us all look soft.”
Rooster sighs and sits forward. “Just because a brother knows how to code switch when he’s speaking to the media doesn’t mean he’s soft. It’s called public relations.”
Rock nods at Rooster, then flicks a dismissive glance in Pony’s direction. “Priest’s ability to protect the club’s interests is what allows you to sit up there in Washington pretending that you’re a bad motherfucker.”
“I ain’t pretending shit.” Pony jumps up. “Say that to my face.”
“He just did.” Wrath’s slow, deadly rumble pushes Pony’s ass back into his seat.
I lean forward, fully prepared to take Pony on. “Do you understand how words work? You need to get with the times and do what needs to be done to protect your club instead of stroking your ego.” I jab my finger in his direction. “Otherwise, you should turn in that president’s patch.”
“You’ve been RC for a minute, and suddenly you know everything?” Pony scoffs.
“My brother knows when to keep his mouth shut,” Jigsaw says, leaving the unlike you part unspoken.
“You came up in my club, you disloyal fuck,” Pony spits at Jigsaw.
Bad idea. Jigsaw stands up so fast, he knocks his chair sideways. Rooster catches it before it hits the floor. “You want to talk about loyalty?”
“Simmer down,” Rock says.
Rooster touches Jiggy’s leg. Jiggy relaxes his fighting stance but doesn’t take his eyes off of Pony as he sits back down.
“This is bullshit,” Grinder says, shooting a glare at Acorn and Pony. “Springing this on everyone at a brother’s funeral goes way beyond disrespect.”
“Agreed.” Niner taps his knuckles against the table. “An officer challenge was called. Let’s vote it. Now.”
“We haven’t properly discussed it yet,” Acorn whines.
Ice raises his right hand. “All in favor of taking a vote on Acorn’s officer challenge—say aye.”
Everyone except Pony and Acorn raise their hands and shout, “Aye.”
“All those who’d like to discuss the officer vote further—say nay,” Ice says.
Acorn raises his hand high. “Nay!”
Well, at least he’s committed.
“Great.” Niner slaps his palms together. “All those in favor of removing Priest as our national president—say aye.”
Acorn’s vote is a little less enthusiastic this time. “Aye.”
Pony skipped the last vote but adds his “aye” to this one.
“All those not in favor of removing of removing Priest as our national president—say nay,” Niner orders.
Again, it’s a resounding vote in favor of keeping Priest. The devil you know and all that, I suppose.
Acorn shoots out of his seat and slams his way out of the chapel. Pony follows.
Yeah, if I’d shot at the king and missed so miserably, I’d hightail it the fuck out of here too.
“Before we go,” Rock says, holding out his hands to stop us from getting on our bikes, “I want to commend everyone for the way you handled today. No one expected to see Priest challenged. The situation could’ve quickly gone south.”
“I think we were all too stunned to speak,” Murphy says.
“Even so,” Z nods and throws a look at every brother in our circle, “thanks for not making a bad situation worse.”
“You can’t do better than that, Prez?” Wrath asks, hooking his arm around Z’s neck and hugging him to his side.
“You need some cookies and milk too?” Z asks, twisting to the side to extract himself from Wrath’s hold.