Page 104 of Crown of Lies
Silence sunk between us. Nate shifted and played with his miniature tornado.
I sipped the scalding coffee, determined to wait him out. No one was here to force him.
Not yet anyway.
“Why aren’t you talking?” he finally mumbled.
“What would you like me to talk about?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be asking me questions?”
I snorted. “Listen, Nate. You already realized I’m not a counselor, right? I fight with students. I’m messy, and, I’ve come to find out, quite reckless. There will be no coddling if that’s what you’re wondering. You have questions for me. Stop pretending like you don’t.”
He sighed, his pale cheeks reddening. “You’re very… direct, Miss Valence.”
“Do we need a bonding hug?”
His head jerked up and his dark eyes widened. “A what?”
“I don’t give out hugs all willy-nilly,” I qualified. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime offer.”
He shook his head. “No offense.”
I leaned forward on my elbows, facing him straight-on. “Talk to me.”
The poor kid couldn’t look me in the eye. But my directness, as he called it, paid off. “The last few months have been weird. And I can’t seem to concentrate anymore. And there’s a killer on campus, and it’s scaring me.”
“Very direct,” I applauded.
He winced.
“It’s a good thing. Why are you scared of the killer? Because you think you’re in the line of fire still, or something else?”
He laced his fingers together like he was hoping that would contain his own reaction. But I still saw the shaking. “I don’t know. I’m scared of all scenarios. I might be next. Someone else will likely be next. Either way, another person will get hurt.”
I felt a sudden affection toward the shy angel before me.
Affection, Gray? What’s wrong with you? This kid probably has a billionaire family and seventeen yachts. And he’d report your ass if he ever knew what you are.
Quashing my emotions, I pushed forward. “That makes sense. I’d be fucking terrified in your shoes.”
The deepening indent between his brows was adorable. “That doesn’t make me feel better.”
“I’m not here to coddle you, remember?”
“Then what are you here for?” The first sliver of anger leaked out, scaring even him. His cheeks grew redder, and he turned his head away as if ashamed.
“Solutions,” I answered. My heart pounded with my thrumming magic. This would be an important conversation. I couldn’t just let it slide away. This had to be done right. “You have reasonable feelings and a very real threat to you. My goal is to help you feel safe here.”
He peeked up from beneath his hat. “How can you do that?”
“I know you’ve talked to authorities and the school a thousand times. But the only way to fix your fears is to bring justice to the person who hurt you.”
He deflated. “Then we’re at a dead end. Again.”