Page 107 of Crown of Lies
It was time to track down Sydni.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
On the way back to my room, I had that feeling again. Students and teachers milled around, mostly keeping under the overhangs. A clustered current of dark coats, folded umbrellas, and damp heads of hair.
Within the current of people, you’d think I’d be unrecognizable. But the little pinpricks that suddenly ran down my spine told me differently. The hairs stood up on my arms. And it wasn’t the chill.
Somewhere, someone watched me.
Don’t look around, I thought, making my way through the campus.
I rubbed my arms through the jacket sleeves, but the uneasy prickle didn’t fade.
Was it Razai? The archangel could still be watching from the shadows. Only an idiot would put it past him, despite his promises.
But Razai taught a class right now.
I pulled out a makeup compact like women do in those spy movies and paused to check my reflection. My breath fogged the glass up immediately, and I huffed and put it away.
Why couldn’t shit be as simple as it looked?
Thankfully, the sensation faded when I moved out of the main campus grounds and neared the training yards. Sure enough, as I passed Betty, Razai stood in the rain, shouting instructions. His gray long-sleeve clung to his torso, splatters of mud telling me he’d joined his class during one of their activities.
Before he could catch me watching, I looked away.
My heart sank. I’d been hoping it was Razai.
Because that meant someone else was definitely keeping an eye on me.
But who? The killer? Clave?
I didn’t really want to personally find out. Not without a squad of peace officers stacked behind me.
When I got into my room and checked my phone, I found a new email.
From: Nate Harlock
Subject: Meeting
I apologize for leaving so suddenly. I realize that was probably shocking and rude. Can I ask if you’d be willing to meet with another friend of mine? Text me.
He listed his phone number at the bottom. I let out a relieved sigh. Okay, so he didn’t suspect that I’d been influencing him. Thank fuck.
After sending him a quick text, agreeing to the meeting and asking who it’s with, I jotted down what I’d learned today and started making new sticky notes. Sooner or later, I’d discover something useful.
It stood to reason that if Nate was buying stimulants from Benjamin, then it’s likely that Sydni and Yariel were too. I couldn’t prove it yet, but the theory was a good one.
But then that still left Benjamin. Dead and unable to confess—or enjoy life any longer.
“I’m going to find this fucker,” I whispered. “I have to figure out who’s doing this before the month ends. Someone else is going to die, and I will, a thousand percent, blame myself for it.”
Guilt disrupted happy living, and I intended to live happily well. So, clearly, I had only one choice.