Page 133 of Crown of Lies
4 hours ago: I’m going to kill Razai. And then bring him back to life after taking an online necromancy course, just so I can kill him again. And then I’m locking you up for the rest of your days.
No use reading through all of them. It would just make me more nervous. I sent a quick reply:
Me: Love you too, Kitten. I’m awake and fine. I’ll call later. Stop leaving an electronic paper trail of lethal threats. Amateur move. Won’t help you in court.
Razai’s laugh on the other side of the door made my chest warm. He made me calmer than I should be in this situation. I’d been out for a few days. What would be waiting for me at the university? I was too many days behind on my hunt now. Was Ember worried? What happened to Cole?
But Razai’s relaxed voice on the other side of the door was the only thing I cared to focus on.
When I returned to the room, Razai’s eyes dipped, surveying my body, before rising up again, this time tinged with heat. “You’re looking much better.”
“Showers. Always magical in their own ways,” I deflected. Gods, I couldn’t even hold his gaze. He was so intense, so…
He’s not even hiding his desire. And now, I can’t face it without my stomach trying to butterfly itself into another universe. What am I, twelve?
Touching my hair gave me something to do while I scanned the room. “So, uh, where are we? Please tell me we’re still in New York, at least?”
“We’re definitely not.”
Warning bells went off. “I was definitely not expecting that.”
“Then why’d you ask?”
“Razai,” I warned. “Where are we?”
He fought back a smile, trying his hand at acting aloof and all-knowing. “Don’t try to spoil my surprises. Just trust me a little.”
“Tell me where we are, and then I’ll think about it.”
“The sass!” he exclaimed, pretending to reel back. “You should start your own comedy show with that mouth.”
“Fuck off and answer!”
“Nope. You are completely in my gentle, albeit very strong and surprisingly nimble fingers—I’m sure you remember, though. I can always remind you again, or you can just go with the flow for once, you sexy little control freak.”
Unease and uncertainty mingled with my irritation. Was he serious? Or was this just another dumb prank?
“Get ready to go,” Razai instructed. “The rest of your clothes were trashed. It’s time to blow your mind, love.”
“So bossy,” I grumbled with a glare. But curiosity got the better of me, so I got ready. My shoes weren’t destroyed, at least, and whoever bought me these loose clothes had at least guessed my size right.
Walking out of the room didn’t set off any red flags. The clean hallway had shiny tile floors and generic abstract art and sunset photography. Just like any other high-end clinic, which this clearly was. We passed the numbered doors and took an elevator down while Razai’s fingers peppered across his phone screen at a blinding speed.
The doors slid open, and we entered the small lobby that somehow managed to appear luxurious. Leather seats, lush indoor plants, and an expansive, circular, granite-countertop reception desk.
Razai pocketed his phone and looped his arm into mine. “Look. There’s Olive, doing her best work.”
“She’s yelling at someone,” I observed, feeling a little sorry for the fae man wilting under her scathing tone.
Razai sighed in admiration. “Must be recruitment week. No one who knows her would call that woman soft.”
“You are so strange,” I said. “You fear Quinn but admire Olive? Olive is way more scary.”
“Olive doesn’t hold a grudge for years and years. She exacts revenge instantly and then moves on with her life—once you’ve been put in your place. Completely different.”
“Yeah… totally.”