Page 167 of Crown of Lies
But there’s no denying I’d been outclassed.
No matter what, amateur didn’t even begin to cover it.
Except… hadn’t I made up for it?
Relaxing my fingers and expression, I admitted, “You were right, Razai. You really shouldn’t be so cocky anymore.”
“I tracked you tonight. When you didn’t want to.”
“You had a little help.”
I shrugged. “Don’t tell me you’re a purist. I pushed through your mental shields and tracked you down fair and square. If I can pay the price for a magical boost, anyone can. Difference is that I succeeded.”
Instead of bristling, Razai looked proud. “You’re wrong, love.”
Why did he have to use that word? Gods. Just like that, I went from victorious to fighting an eye twitch and a blush.
He said, “You aren’t the only one who’s tried enhancements to beat me. Dozens have come before you. But you’re right. You did succeed. And that makes me certain that you, Gray Wilder, are immensely powerful. And it didn’t take me long to realize your tracking is very much Demonic. But what I’m confused about is the other little display of terror you showed Cole. The way he sang like a bird at your command—”
Glass shattered behind me. I winced and turned. Azra stared at us, her cheeks fiery red.
But Azra didn’t get embarrassed.
“You promised me,” she accused. “That’s the one secret that you can’t share.”
“Listen, Kitten. I don’t have time to absorb you too. I’ve been through too much tonight. Be angry with me tomorrow. For now, suck it up.” Facing Razai again, I said, “I’m still not explaining shit.”
He reasoned, “Your secret is out, so there’s no use hiding—”
“One secret,” I reminded. “Only one. You know what I’m capable of, but you’re not entitled to a full report. Now, before you get all I’m-a-big-bad-charismatic-demon on me and try to woo me into complacency, I’ll remind you about the cactus I invited you to sit on.”
He wanted to ask more. I could tell. His eyes flicked to Clave, though.
The illusions professor watched us with keen eyes, waiting.
Razai relented. “I’ll let you show me this sexy cactus later. Now, the rest of the story is what you know as well. Even though I knew Benjamin was involved, you gathered more evidence than any investigator, including myself, was able to. You are an absolute goddess—”
I snapped, “Stop looking at me like I’m a prize fish. I’m not that powerful. Seriously. Get a grip.” Space. Why wasn’t there enough space? The back room beckoned me to its cool air, and I listened to its call. I stood and marched toward it. The click of the heavy door behind me gave the breath of quiet I needed.
Until it opened, of course.
Chapter Sixty-Six
But I’d been banking on that.
Without turning around, I said, “This whole case. My behavior… Here I thought I was being brave and reckless by taking this job. Putting my own identity and safety on the line. I’d felt confused and liberated, sure, but none of that was really me, was it? You’ve just been tugging me along your sick little game. What a fucking joke.”
He didn’t reply.
“Was that how you convinced me to take this job? Was that how you got me to go along with every one of your plans? Manipulating me into thinking this was all a grand, lovely idea? Even winning over Azra?”
My head spun as every little scenario came into question. I faced him, finally, needing to look into those emerald eyes like they’d suddenly tell me the truth. “Pulling me to the campus that first day… making me trust you enough to invite you inside my room… and then how I felt…” I gripped my hair, remembering how I kissed him. How slowly, over time, I yearned for his company and dreamt about his taste.
How could I have been so stupid?
It was so obvious.